Potential of Organic Fertilizers: Enhancing Pistacia Vera Cultivar ‘Kirmizi’ Through Soil and Leaf Analysis
Bekir AK
Prof. Dr. At Harran University, in Sanliurfa, TURKEY
Ezgi Morkoc Surucu
University of Harran, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Sanliurfa- Turkiye
Birgul Dikmetas Dogan
University of Harran, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture
Ibrahim Halil Hatipoglu
University of Harran, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Sanliurfa- Turkiye
Keywords: Micro and macro nutrients, Organic fertilizer, Pistacia vera L.,
Abstract :
In this study, the impact of different organic fertilizers on the Pistacia vera L. cv. 'Kirmizi' cultivar was revealed through analyses conducted on both the soil and leaves. The trees in the garden are approximately 30 years old, and their growth and yield conditions are similar. The soil samples were found to be near neutral in terms of pH and slightly alkaline, with no salinity issues detected. However, the soil at a depth of 40-60 cm showed the highest salt content, reaching 1.38% with leonardite application. The highest lime content was recorded at 40-60 cm depth, with a value of 35.05% observed in the worm and chemical fertilizer application. All applications were deemed inadequate in terms of the required organic matter content. The soil at 40-60 cm depth showed the highest phosphorus levels, reaching 8.30 ppm with farm manure application, and the highest potassium levels, reaching 258.48 ppm, were also observed with farm manure application. Furthermore, the highest calcium content, 8535.73 ppm, was found at 40-60 cm depth, and the highest magnesium content, 288.41 ppm, was detected in the leonardite application. Iron levels were found to be sufficient across all applications, with the highest iron concentration, 6.66 ppm, observed in the leonardite application at 40-60 cm depth. An assessment of the applications overall revealed deficiencies in zinc, copper, and manganese levels. The highest concentrations of zinc (1.83 ppm), manganese (16.53 ppm), and copper (1.49 ppm) were all identified in the leonardite application at 40-60 cm depth.
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