The most important criticisms of postmodernism based on the attitude of socialists
Subject Areas :
farzad mohammadi
Hassan Shamsini Ghiyathund
1 - Political Science, Karaj Azad University
2 - Takestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran
Keywords: tradition, Postmodernism, Socialism, Pluralism, relativism,
Abstract :
To challenge the promises in the discourses, a critical group called postmodernism is mentioned. With an epistemological approach, this practice distanced itself from modernity and presented a new worldview for mankind. Therefore, dealing with this school is not because of the introduction of a new plan, but against any centralism, value hierarchy and dualistic logic of identity. This article seeks to review the theory of postmodernism, especially from the point of view of socialists, and evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and the most important criticisms made on it through the review and review of studies. The method of conducting this research is descriptive-analytical, and the method of collecting information is in the form of a library, with special emphasis on books and first-hand written sources, articles published in reputable publications, and new researches. The results of this research show that the socialists are against some issues such as; Prioritizing society's issues, atomizing people, opposing relativism, and being subjective have fundamental disagreements with postmodernist ideas