Limnologic evaluation of Arasbaran lake with the aim of development of the aquaculture
Subject Areas : Breeding and Aquaculture Sciences Journal
Javad Daghigh Rohi
Ali Abedini
Alireza Mirzajani
Seyyed Mohammad Salavatian
1 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
2 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
3 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
4 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
Keywords: Biological factors, Arasbaran Lake, Kliber City,
Abstract :
The aquatic ecosystem of Arasbaran lake in Kliber city was developed in 2003 in the geographical location of the '11º39 'north latitude and the '18º47 eastern centuries. In this research, in 2010 for biological and non-biological sampling, 4 stations were located in the lake aquatic zone and one station at the entrance channel site. The location of the Arasbaran dam is such that it is a suitable place for rest and winter migration of migratory birds and during this research, species of them were observed. In this study, six species of native and non-native fish were identified. The study of bedding characteristics in the Arasbaran dam showed that fine grain granules and clays make up more than 74% of the bed. The mean of Benthos seedlings in studied months is 0.37 ± 0.44 g / m2 and due to the dominant presence of two groups of Chironomidae and Tubificidae, the amount of fish production is variable from 0.2 to 1.7 kg ha-1. In general, the highest phytoplankton populations belong to the Cyanophyta branch with the genus Aphanothece, Oscillatoria and Anabaenopsis and the mean of the total number of Cyanophyta was 23455960 per liter. The largest variety of zooplankton belong to the Rotatoria branch with the genus Polyarthra, Synchaeta, Brachionus, Keratella, and Trichocerca. The average water temperature was 15.8 0C, with a range of 6.8 to 24.4 0C, an average dissolved oxygen of 8.4 mg /l, an average electrical conductivity of 863 µm/s with a range of 717 to 1073µm/s and a mean pH of 8.28 with a range of 7 / 62 to 8/75 was measured. Regarding the dominant presence of two groups of Chironomidae and Tubificidae, the amount of aquarium fish production varies from 0.2 to 1.7 kg ha-1, varying from 160 to 200 hectares of the lake at different times up to 60 k.
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Abbasi,K., (2010). Fisheries studies of Arasbaran Dam Lake. National Interior Water Aquaculture Institute (Bandar Anzali). p. 23.
2. Abedini,A., (2005). Final report on the study of the physical, chemical and biological status of the aqueducts and deep wells of Khorasan Province (Bardaskan city) with the aim of cultivating cold water fish. Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, Iranian Fisheries Research Institute. P.61.
3. Dagigh Rohi,J., (2010). Investigating the possibility of increasing production in Arasbaran wetland lake in East Azarbaijan Province. National Interior Water Aquaculture Institute (Bandar Anzali).p. 120.
4. FAO, (2007). The State of world fisheries and aquaculture .FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. 180 p.
5. Lenore s . Clesceri , Arnold E . Greenberg , Andrew D . Eation , Mari ,Ann H .Franson , (2005). Standard Method for the examination or water and waste water, American Publication Institute.
6. Li, S. , J. Mathias, (1994). Freshwater fishes in China: principles and practice. Elsevier science B.V.445 p.
7. Mellenby,H. (1963). Animal Life in Freshwater, Great Britain, Cox Ltd., Fakenham,308 p.
8.Mirzajani,A., (2007). Investigation of Limnology of Lake Tahm Dam in Zanjan Province. Agricultural Jihad Organization of Zanjan Province. Zanjan Province Fisheries Management.p.90.
9. Pennak,R.W., (1953). Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. The Ronald Press Company, New York,953 p.
10.Sabkara,J.;Makarami,M. and Khatib Haghighi, S., (2010). Planktonic Report of Lake Arasbaran Kalibar Dam, National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute (Bandar Anzali). p. 26.
11.Shakorian,M., (2013). Identification of susceptible areas for the propagation and cultivation of sturgeon (breeding in a cage at Arasbaran dam). International Research Institute for Sturgeon Fish. p. 105.