Comparison the effect of different warm up methods on squash players function: A randomized crossover trial
Subject Areas : Exercise Physiology and Performance
Soheila Heydarzadi
Lida Moradi
Aliasghar Ravasi
1 - Department of physical education and sports science, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Physical education and sports science department- North Tehran Branch- Islamic Azad University- Tehran- Iran
3 - Department of exercise physiology- Faculty of physical education and sports science- Tehran university- Tehran- Iran
Keywords: Flexibility, anaerobic power, muscular power,
Abstract :
Background: Warmup is a main section of each training program and is necessary for better performance and decrease chance of sport injuries. Many warmup methods used with athletes and their effects are challenge full. Squash players use different warmup methods like other athletes. Muscular power, anaerobic power and flexibility are important factors for performance of squash players. On the other hand, there are conflict in previous researches about the effect of different warmup methods on performance. Thus the propose of this study was evaluating the effect of static stretch, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and whole body vibration on muscular power, anaerobic power and flexibility of squash players. Methods: Nine squash players randomly assigned in three groups and took three warmup methods on three weeks. Wash out period was one week. After each session, all variables were measured. One way ANOVA was used to detect differences between groups.Results: We couldn’t find any significant differences between groups in vertical jump, sit and reach and mean power tests.Conclusion: It seems that there is not difference between the effect of whole body vibration, static stretch and PNF on our variables.
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