The Analysis of Sociolinguistic Approach of Religious discussion in the Hadigheh of Sanaee based on Dell Hymes' communicative Theory of Power
Subject Areas : Abstract ArticlesHoda Pir 1 , Nahid Akbari 2 , Hossein Parsaee 3
1 - PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran.
Keywords: Sociolinguistics, Keywords: The Hadigheh of Sanaee, communicative power, Dell Hymes, religious discussion,
Abstract :
Abstract Dell Hymes is a linguist with the approach of sociology to language. He introduced the language as a knowledge whose sociology is created by its communicative power with posing the implication of communicative power. Hymes showed that a language phase is very suitable for the specific social texture. One of the language dimensions is its social role and its impact on society. Hymes believes that language power is not enough by itself but it must be accompanied with communicative power to accomplish its suitable function. Therefore, the social identity of language draws it to a kind of communicative interaction and causes that in a dialogue behavior, course of time and place, the kind of expression and rate of the usage of predicative, imperative and interrogative sentences, basically language elements to make the form, content of any discussion which will be effective in the addressors and the addressee. Regarding Sanaee's works, which have entered the Islamic mysticism in the Farsi literature and poetry during the first centuries of Islamic era, we'll deal with the role of language in expressing the religious debate in the Hadigheh . Considering the historical situation and social conditions of the 6th century in which the religious approach hadn't entered the knack of mystical language, what way did Sanaee use to make his works be enjoyable and influence his message to his reader.
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