Effect of Graphite on the Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of Aluminum Matrix Nanocomposite
Subject Areas :
Elham Bakhshizade
Ali Shokuhfar
Ashkan Zolriasatein
Mehdi Khodaei
1 - PhD student/KNT university
2 - Faculty of materials science and engineering,KN Toosi university of technology
3 - Non metallic research group-niroo research institute
4 - KNT university
Keywords: Aluminum matrix &lrm, Composite, Graphite, Wear, Mechanical properties,
Abstract :
This study aims to compare the effect of graphite content (0–5 wt.%) on the mechanical and tribological properties of aluminum matrix nanocomposites. The bulk samples were prepared by the mechanical milling/hot pressing (temperature 420 °C/ pressure 400 MPa/ time 1h) process. According to the obtained results in this work, the addition of graphite to an aluminum matrix significantly improves the wear properties of aluminum (wear rate and coefficient of friction). The best wear performance was obtained with the sample containing 5wt.% graphite, which showed a 62% reduction in the wear rate and a 2.5-fold reduction in coefficient of friction compared to the unreinforced aluminum sample. Although increasing the amount of graphite in the range of 0-5 wt.% leads to a continuous improvement in the wear behavior of the composite material, it results in a simultaneous deterioration of the mechanical properties (hardness and compressive strength) and the density of the Aluminum- Graphite composites.
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