Dentify the factors financial risk management in the automotive industry using the dimatel technique
Subject Areas : Risk Managementali fadaei 1 , abotorab alirezaee 2 , gholamreza hashemzadeh 3 , kiamarc fathi 4
1 - Department of Industrial Financial Management, International Kish Branch, Islamic Azad University, Island Kish, Iran
2 - Department of Industrial Management, Tehran Sout Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Management, Tehran Sout Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Industrial Management, Tehran Sout Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Email :
Keywords: risk management, "Risk"", "" risk management steps""Benefits of risk management"", Dimatel technique ",
Abstract :
Companies try to control risk by using risk management and its factors. Risk management is the process of measuring and then designing a strategy for risk management.This research includes four criteria investment risk And market risk and Country risk and liquidity risk, each of which has sub-criteria are addressed.Field data through a questionnaire tool And with the benefit of the opinions of experts and experts in the automotive industry has been used.The community of experts consists of 25 experts and Dimatel technique has been used to analyze the data.The results showed that the liquidity risk criterion has the highestImpact and investment risk criteria have the least impact.The following criteria have the highest impact on changing customer preferences .The appropriate market estimation sub-criterion is considered as the most effective sub-criterion.The liquidity risk criterion is in the first place and has the highest priority.Sub-criteria of market demand forecast and Structural changes in the economy and Complex competition in domestic markets is one of the highest priorities.
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Tandelilin, E., & Kaaro, H. (2007).corporate Govermance, Risk management, and bank performance; Does type of ownership matter?”Final report of an eadn individual research Grant progect eadn working, 34,12-37.
Tarantino, A.,&Cernauskas,D. (2012).Essentials of Risk Management in Finance.New Jersey:John Wiley & son Inc.
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