Resistance of Georgian Hazelnut (Corylus L.) to Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – Halyomorpha halys (Stål)
Subject Areas : Hazelnut
Natalia Kharabadze
Nino Tsiklauri
Medea Burjanadze
Nona Chkhaidze
1 - Vasil Gulisashvili Forest Institute, Agricultural University of Georgia, Tbilisi, 0159 Georgia
2 - Sergi Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Georgia, Tbilisi, 0159, Georgia
3 - Vasil Gulisashvili Forest Institute, Agricultural University of Georgia, Tbilisi, 0159 Georgia
4 - Department of Botany and Plant Physiology, Agricultural University of Georgia, Tbilisi, 0159 Georgia
Abstract :
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