Comparison of yield and some agronomic traits of new bread wheat cultivars in Kerman city (cold area)
Subject Areas : Journal of Plant EcophysiologyMohammad Ali Javaheri 1 , Hamid Najafinezhad 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Seed and Plant Improvement Research Department, Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Kerman, Iran.
2 - Agricultural and Horticultural Research Department, Kerman Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Plant height, Bread Wheat, Cold area, Replace,
Abstract :
13 bread wheat cultivars, including Alvand, Back Cross Roshan, Pishtaz, Arg, Tiger, Sirvan, Flamenco, Omid, Orum, Heydari, Mihan, Chamran 2 and Natasha varieties, were evaluated for two years in a completely randomized block design with three replications in the research center of Kerman agricultural education. After running the Bartlett test, composite analysis of variance was performed by SAS software and Duncan's mean comparison was performed at the 5% level, and then the results were interpreted. The results showed that Heidari, Alvand, Orum and Arg cultivars had the highest grain yield with average yields of 6300, 6263, 5546 and 5257 kg / ha, respectively. Also, Chamran 2, Sirvan and Tiger cultivars with average yields of 4488, 4566 and 4668 kg / ha had the lowest grain yields. On the other hand, Omid and Pishtaz cultivars with a weight of 44.24 and 44.04 gr per thousand seeds had the highest, while Flamenco and Tiger cultivars with a weight of 37.49 and 36.73 gr had the lowest weight of a thousand seeds, respectively. Chamran 2 cultivar with 39.83 had the lowest number of seeds per spike. Omid cultivar with 107 cm had the highest plant height and Mihan and Tiger cultivars had the lowest plant height with 81.00 and 79.83 cm, respectively. According to the results of this study (especially in terms of yield and dwarfness), Heydari and Mihan cultivars should be used to replace conventional and old cultivars in Kerman province's cold areas.
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