Analysis of the relationship between socio-cultural factors and leisure time with general health of students with emphasis on sports activities (Case study: Students of Payame Noor University of Kermanshah Province)
Subject Areas : Family
ali karimi
Fatemeh Afrasiabi
1 - Faculty
2 - Faculty Member of Payame Noor University, Social Sciences Department, Iran
Keywords: "socio-cultural factors", "leisure time", "mental general", " students",
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between socio-cultural factors and leisure time with general health of students with an emphasis on sport activities. The research method was descriptive - correlational and data collection tool was a questionnaire 357 students were selected using Formal Cochran as an accessible sample. This research was carried out using a survey method and a questionnaire. To assess the research tools, formal validity was used and for reliability of Cronbach's alpha. For data analysis, structural equation modeling was used with pls software. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between socio-cultural factors and leisure time (r = 0.45), sport (r = 0.52), religiosity (r = 0. 49), marital status (r = 0.70) ), Music (r = 0.46) and stress (r = 0.31) with general health of students. The results of regression also show that 5 variables, 0.33 (socio-cultural and leisure) (0.29 (religiosity) + 0.26 (sport) + 20.0 (music) + 0.17 (stress) The dependent variable has a significant effect and in total 56% of the variation of dependent variable (R² = 0.56) have been explained. Also, on the basis of path analysis of structural equations, it was observed that the sociocultural variable was generally influenced by the general health variable with a path coefficient of 76% and leisure time variable on general health with a path coefficient of 0.36.