Review of Legitimizing Rituals and Symbols at the IRIB Programs Focusing on Religious Practices
Subject Areas : International Relations
Mojtaba Maqhsoodi
Jafar Alipour
1 - Associate Professor and Faculty of Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Department of Political Science
2 - Graduated MA in Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
Keywords: symbol, Ashura, Key Words: Legitimating, ritual, Tasua, Friday prayers,
Abstract :
Abstract Symbol, myth and ritual, the Systems of values that if the political system as the tools to exercise power or control or order and social solidarity and integration used, can be carriers for this purpose well because Instead the people have beliefs and convictions. This paper will answer the question that symbols and rituals used in radio and television programs, how to increase the legitimacy of the ruling political system is? Research related to this article is descriptive and theoretical studies related to the "legitimacy" and "symbol and religion" has been developed. The results showed that the national media, using tools such as symbols and procedures acceptable to the community is trying to intentionally increase the legitimacy of Alma and the system provided the system and connect people to people and leaders to strengthen the system and the role create a major field of authority to accept government has had with people.
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