Two Centuries of Conflict between the Government and the Parliament in France
Subject Areas : International Relations
1 - Associate Professor of Tehran University
Keywords: State, Political System, Republic, Key words: France, parliament,
Abstract :
Abstract Frances tested various political systems after the French revolution. One of the major challenges was the political struggle between the parliament and the government over the past two centuries and their authorities. The historic clash of two rival would win occasionally. Air waging insurgencies and revolutions of the parliament or the government attempted to change the constitution and strength his position as celebrating their victory. Cuts on both sides of the political history of this country are trying to find the middle, and crammed into a fight over who will win the game. Finally, taking advantage of the situation and character of General de Gaulle's Fifth Republic charismatic with the longstanding conflict ended in favor of the government. Frances experienced a political system more than fifty years which heads to the marginalization of Statehouse. The historical roots of this conflict is the subject of this article.
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