Hermeneutic approach to language in Heidegger's thought and the possibility of passing from the subjectivistic project of knowledge
Subject Areas : Epistemological researches
Amir Samsami
Jahangir Masoodi
1 - Allame tabatabei university, Department of philosophy
2 - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Keywords: knowledge, language, hermeneutic, Subjectivism, Heidegger,
Abstract :
Heidegger is one of the philosophers who has made the most effort in his philosophy to pass from the epistemological project of subjectivism. He has pursued his own efforts on this issue in various aspects. This paper, however, specifically seeks to examine Heidegger's passing from subjectivism from a language aspect in his early and later thought. Therefore, we will first study and analyze the main components of the subjectivist project of knowledge. Then, with the insights that Heidegger has given in his work on language, such as considering language as an existential for Dasein, redefining concepts such as truth as unconcealment and logos as discourse, as well as emphasizing the relation between language and being that Historically determined, we try to justify our claim. It is argued that the epistemological project of subjectivism, which explains knowledge only on the basis of pure subjective activity, and neglects the hermeneutical aspect of language and its role in opening, disclosure and intelligibility of beings, cannot give a proper picture of how human access to the world is.
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