Review common and Antithetical Weasel interpretation of Al-tebyan from Sheikh Tusi
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
1 - دانش آموخته در مقطع دکتری زبان وادبیات عربی واحد تهران مرکز ی
Keywords: Arabic language, common word, acceptance or denying of sharing,
Abstract :
In any language the general rule is based on this state that each word only impose for one meaning. In other word, for a meaning only one word must exist. But sometimes some conditions and opportunities creates in language which causes implication of various words on one meaning or implication of one word on various meanings, it means verbal sharing. The viewpoints of Arab linguists in the past and in new centuries and existing of different opinions in acceptance or denying of verbal sharing, make this discussion suitable for research and study. Doubtlessly, recognizing discussion about verbal sharing in linguistic and considering opinions of linguists in the past and p
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