The role of textures and symbols in the final identification of the Quranic vocabulary
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
1 - Doctor of Science in Quran and Hadith
Keywords: texture, Mirror, vali, zakat, final identity, hanan,
Abstract :
In this research, the role of texture and internal and external markers in the formation of the final identity of some of the Qur'anic vocabulary has been demonstrated. For example, words such as "Wali", "The First" and "Zakat", which are accepted in the light of propositions, textures and signs, have been adopted in various ways. For example, the word "vali", whose semiotic meaning is descendant, brings with it different meanings in the light of various textures and phrases. Sometimes it means the server, and sometimes the helper and friend are meant, and finds their last identity in the context of sentences, and also the word "zakat" and other words. This process of semantic formation, in all words and in all languages, is legally pervasive. By examining Persian translations of contemporary Persian, their attention to the context of sentences and peripheral evidence is evaluated in the formation of authentic and expressive translation.
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