The Structural Relationship Between Wisdom and Moral Behavior: The Mediating Role of Self-Control
Subject Areas : روانشناسی تحولی
Monir Azadmanesh
Khadijeh Abolmaali
Akbar Mohammadi
1 - Ph.D Candidate of Educational psychology, IAU, Garmsa, Iran.
2 - PhD
, Rudehen Branch, IAU, Rudehen, Iran.
3 - PhD
Garmsar Branch, IAU, Garmsa, Iran.
Keywords: Self-Control, wisdom, moral behavior,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to predict moral behavior based on wisdom with the mediating role of self-control. The study design was correlational and the statistical population included students of University of Applied Sciences and Technology in 2019 in Tehran. 370 students were selected by random cluster sampling method and completed Moral Behavior Questionnaire (Taqhiloo, 2017), Self-Control Questionnaire (Tangney, Baumeister & Boone, 2004) and Wisdom Questionnaire (Schmit, Muldoon, Pounders, 2012). For data analysis, structural equation modeling method was used. The results indicated that the self-control affects people-oriented and task- oriented moral behavior positively and self-centered moral behavior negatively. The direct effect of wisdom was also positive and significant on self-control while it was not significant on people-oriented, task-oriented and self-centered moral behavior, But through the mediating role of self-control, wisdom had a positive effect on people-oriented and task-oriented moral behavior and a negative effect on moral self-centeredness, indicating the importance of the role of self-control. Therefore, it can be concluded that in promoting moral behavior in educational planning, it is better to emphasize on improving self-control
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