Ibrahim Adham Repentance: One Anecdote and Eight Narrations
Subject Areas : Mytho
Gholamrezā Hātefi Majoomard
Amir Hosein Hemati
Asqar Rezāpouriyān
1 - Ph D. Candidate of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Shahr-e Kord Branch
2 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Shahr-e Kord Branch
3 - The Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, IAU, Shahr-e Kord Branch
Keywords: Narration, Characterization, fictional elements, Ibrahim Adham, Mystical Story,
Abstract :
Employing stories and anecdotes to express spiritual teachings and illustrating deep mystical concepts have long been practiced by the Persian-speaking poets and writers. In the meantime, sometimes we encounter stories that due to their structural and conceptual capacities, different narrations are presented about them. The story of Ibrahim Adham Repentance is one of them. Most of the mystical sources have pointed to his repentance. Mostamli Bokhari, Abul-Ghāsem Ghushairi, Hujwiri, Khwaja Abdullah Ansari, Attār of Nishapur, Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī and Kamal al-Din Hosein Ghazorghahi are the famous writers who have discussed the story. In the present article, the attempt is made to compare these narrations by using descriptive and analytic method. Based on fictional elements, the differences and similarities of eight narrations have been considered. The results show that in the narration of Attār of Nishapur actions are more than others; scenery is only seen in Attār's version, and in Tazkirat-al-Auliyā characterization is more prominent than otherseven narrations. Furthermore, Attār and Ghushairi emphasize dramatization of their own narrations while using proper dialogues and appropriate characters and situations.
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