The Individual God in Ruzbehan Baqli’s Kashf al-asrār
Subject Areas : Mytho
Somayyeh Khādemi
Azim Hamzeiān
Qodratollāh Khayātiān
Leilāh Hooshangi
1 - The Assistant Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Azarbaijan University of Shahid Madani
2 - The Assistant Professor of Islamic Mysticism, Semnan University
3 - The Associated Professor of Islamic Mysticism, Semnan University
4 - The Associated Professor of Religions and Mysticism, Al-Zahr University
Keywords: Manifestation, Rouzbahan Baghli, Kashf al-asrār, The Presence of God, The Individual God,
Abstract :
The God introduced by the Muslim mystics has an individual existence and unity. Kashf al-asrār (The Unveiling of Secrets) by Ruzbehan Baqli is about his mystical experiences of the Truth, the manifestations of God and ways of guiding the holy travelers (sālek) towards Him. The purpose of this study is to answer these questions: To what extent does Ruzbehan follow the Muslim mystics about the individual God? To what extent is his epistemological background and his familiarity with Quranic verses and the Tradition (hadith), effective in shaping his mystical experiences about the individual God? How can the idea of individual God in Kashf al-asrār be analyzed from an epistemological point of view? By using analytical-descriptive method, the present article examines the views of Ruzbehan Baqli about the manifestation of God and how He is present in the world. God appears in the form of an individual One and manifests Himself in the shape of sage, shaykh, shepherd, musician, beautiful Turkish man, dancer, cupbearer, muezzin, butcher, lion, red rose, light, valuable and expensive stones, for directing and attracting Ruzbehan toward Himself. The findings reveal that on the subject of individual God, Ruzbehan follows the tradition of the Muslim mystics; he expresses this individuation in different ways; the Holy Quran, the Tradition (hadith) and the ideas of the mystics of the past have influence in shaping his thoughts; and finally, his ideas are justifiable from an epistemological point of view.
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