Metamorphosis of Myths in Poems of Badr Shakir al-Sayyab
Subject Areas : Mytho
masoomeh mahdavi
Seid Babak Farzāneh
Leilā Ghāsemi Hāji Ābādi
1 - ph.d. student of arabic language and literatur- islamic azad university science and research branch- tehran-iran
2 - The Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, IAU, Science and Research Branch
3 - The Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, IAU, Garmsar Branch
Keywords: Myth, Metamorphosis, Combined Recreation, Political-Social Themes, Badr Shakir al-Sayyab,
Abstract :
The recreation, regeneration and metamorphosis of myth can be seen in contemporary poetry; that is, the contemporary poets, based on temporal context and their themes, change the components of a myth and manipulate it. By using descriptive-analytical method, the present study tries to show the metamorphosis myths and methods of metamorphosis in the poems of Badr Shakir al-Sayyab and to consider the contexts that have led to the transformation of myths in his poems. Sayyab is a pioneer in contemporary Arab poetry, so the present research can show new approaches in his poems and, in addition, Illustrate the methods of transformation of myths in contemporary Arabic poetry. The results show that the main methods of metamorphosis of myths (Greek and Arabic) in the poems of Sayyab are as follows: adding elements to original myths, changing the nature and function of mythical characters and components of myths, especially at the endings of them. Also, the most important goals of Sayyab in the metamorphosis of myths include: the adaptation of myths to the modern age and political- social needs.
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