Investigating the challenges and presenting operational strategies for the effects of information and communication technology and institutional requirements and its realization
farid askari
Assistant Professor-department of Economics.Abhar branch Islamic Azad university(Corresponding Author)
esmaeil saramad gherangheyh
PhD student, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch
Farzane khalili
Assistant Professor-department of Economics.Abhar branch Islamic Azad university
Abdolrahim hashemi dizej
Assistant Professor-department of Economics
Mohaghegh Ardabil university
Keywords: innovation, Human Capital, information and communication technology, economic structure, Institutional regime,
Abstract :
This study examines the challenges and presents operational strategies for implementing the effects of information and communication technology and institutional requirements and its realization in Iran. For this purpose, a framework hasbeen selected including four main dimensions: context (institutional regime and economic structure), human capital, information & communication technology, and the dimension of innovation and entrepreneurship. The research method was library studies, documentation and content analysis techniques. An examination the current situation shows that despite the various rules and regulations in development plans, there is still a long way to go before a comprehensive & coherent legal framework for moving towards a knowledge-based economy. The development human capital and information and communication technology have a more acceptable situation in the current legal framework compared to the previous two pillars. Also, using the competitiveness method of the World Economic Forum, structural reforms have been prioritized to establish a knowledge-based economy. Based on the results, it was found that first of all, Iran favorable situation in infrastructure, health and basic education as well as higher education (positive structural gap) indicators, a structural gap is observed. Secondly, the worst indicator of Iran in area factor-based indicators is the status of institutions