The Effect of Accounting Quality on the Transmission of Monetary Policy based on the Balance Sheet Channel to the Stock Market
Subject Areas :
Elham Malakzade
Mohammad Ali Aghaei
Mohammad Amri-Asrami
1 - Master of Accounting / Tarbiat Modares University
2 - Associate Professor, Accounting Department, Management and Economics, School , Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant professor, Accounting department, faculty of economics, management and administrative sciences, semnan University, semnan, Iran.
Keywords: investment, Stock Returns, Monetary Policy, Accounting Quality, Balance Sheet Channel,
Abstract :
This paper examines the role of accounting quality on transmission of monetary policy based on balance sheet channel to stock market. Accounting quality can affect the transmission of monetary policies based on the balance sheet channel to the stock market through stock returns and corporate investment. The quality of firms’ accounting reports can play an important role in transmitting monetary policy. From the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, 148 firms from 2013 to 2019 were selected as a sample using screening method, and the hypotheses tested by the panel data with fixed effects. The findings show that contractionary monetary policy has negative relation with the stock returns and the firm's investment. The interaction effect of accounting quality with monetary policy has a negative and significant effect on stock returns, and the interaction effect of accounting quality with monetary policy has a positive and significant effect on new investment. Therefore, improving the quality of accounting leads to an increase in stock returns and an increase in new investment. But an contractionary monetary policy based on the balance sheet channel increases stock returns and reduces investment. Companies with low accounting quality have more sensitive to changes in monetary policy, as their fluctuations in returns and investments are more than others. Adopting the appropriate monetary policy improves the accounting information quality and consequently improves the accuracy of the market response.