Simulation of daylight in the classroom, using an adaptive shell (a case study of a classroom in the city of Yazd)
Subject Areas : Energy and architecture
Narmin Khairy
Mostafa Khairy
1 - Master's degree in Architexture, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran branch
2 - PhD student of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research branch.
Keywords: daylight, adaptive shell, visual comfort, educational class.,
Abstract :
Today, with the acceleration of scientific advances in all fields, especially new construction and software technologies, attention to the use of renewable energy to reduce environmental pollution has been placed at the forefront of research programs. The use of a huge source of sunlight in the building, although it has been common for a long time, has become a necessity for survival today. Electronic science and knowledge of natural structures have also provided many possibilities to architects. Adapting the building to natural conditions without creating unwanted effects. Natural light is one of the important factors in designing quality educational spaces. Due to its canopy-like performance and its effect on the building's thermal behavior, the adaptive shell technology significantly improves the quality of the building's indoor environment in terms of building temperature control, daylighting, and natural ventilation. In this paper, the effect of adaptive skins on daylight control is discussed in a simulated model of a typical classroom in a hot, dry climate.
The design process begins with the simulation of a classroom example using Rhino/Grass Hopper computational design software and using the Climate Studio plugin. This plugin is a parametric building energy simulation software, which in this article, according to the time and weather conditions of Yazd city in the hot and dry climate of central Iran, by using the simulation of daylight, glare and energy indicators in The current conditions of the sample model are examined and then assuming the installation of the dynamic shell, simulations and indicators are analyzed again. The Climate Studio plugin provides results according to the main criteria with great ease and speed of analysis.
The findings of the research show that due to the intensity of radiation and high heat in the seasons, it is necessary to use a canopy to prevent glare in the classroom on most days of the year. Also, the effect of dynamic shells in controlling the intensity of radiation and glare and setting the conditions in an acceptable range of brightness and temperature is clearly evident.
The results show that with the use of adaptive skins, daylight and environmental conditions are always within the range of visual comfort and optimal energy consumption at any time of operation. This is due to the adaptation of shell openings to climatic conditions, which is explained in detail in the text of the research. One of the most important results for the instantaneous light index is the excess radiation intensity, especially in December. Due to the southern direction of the sample class, annoying glare is seen and due to the radius of the rays reflected from the environment, its effect is greater near the window.. The advantages of folding shells and the use of new technologies in the facade of buildings, in addition to beauty, are the human desire to preserve the environment and maximize the use of renewable energy.
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