Populist thought (Narodniks) in Russia An analytical study from Spragens' point of view
Subject Areas : علوم سیاسی
Mahin Niroomand
Garineh Keshishyan Siraki
Jahangir Karami
1 - Department of Political Science, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Political Science and International Relations, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Member of the Faculty of World Studies University, Tehran University,
Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Russia, Political Thought, Populism, Narodniki, Spragens' method of analysis,
Abstract :
The idea of populism or Narodniki in Russia has received less attention in Iran because it has been placed in the shadow of Russian communist leftist ideas. Conceptually, this idea is far beyond populism and Russian communism, and has had wide-ranging effects both in Russia and outside of this country. How this thought has been able to be so influential is the main issue in this article that the authors have tried to analyze with the aim of investigating its roots, dimensions and consequences. In fact, the main question is how populist thought appeared in Russia and why did it become an effective and widespread trend? The hypothesis of this article is that the idea of populism emerged as a reaction to the neglect of the role of the people in the political life of Russia in the second half of the 19th century, and because of its acceptance by intellectuals and based on a combination of three British constitutional and democratic views. French socialism and Russian nativism were spread. To investigate this hypothesis, we have used the analytical-descriptive method of political thoughts from the perspective of Thomas Spragens and in a qualitative format. The finding of this article is that social issues have arisen and the intellectual responses of thinkers, despite their own timeliness, have been reproduced in a way for centuries and are still useful and very important for understanding the social and political conditions of the periods after that.