Identifying preventive factors of time management in University Libraries: Case Study of Central Library of Tehran University
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
maryam safavi
alireza noruzi
1 - libraray & information sience, tehram univercity. tehran, iran
2 - knowledge and information science, faculety of management, tehran univercity, tehran. iran
Keywords: time management, Preventive factors of time management, Barriers to time management,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify factors inhibiting time management in the central library of Tehran University. Methods: The target population included all managers in different parts of the central library of Tehran University.Data were collected through Library resources and interviews. In order to answer the main question, 12 interviews were conducted. To test the reliability of the questionnaire, the retest reliability method and the coders were used. Considering the high percentage of 60%, it was concluded that the study has the desired reliability.The validity of this research was studied through seven stages, It can be said that research has high content validity. Results: the main themes were extracted Which is one of the factors preventing time management, It can be noted that the lack of planning and lack of proper organizational relationship and the lack of cooperation of the mother organization that referred to in the present study in the form of a generalized model And the relationships between the extracted themes are described. In the current study, Out of the 19 initial main teams, 8 final main teams emerged. Miscellaneous team data was used among other teams, and this team was eventually removed. Conclusion: the deterrents in time management in the central library of the University of Tehran in the form of main themes called cultural factors (not referring to those who refer to time management ...), Strategic factors (lack of planning ...) And organizational factors (non-delegation of powers and duties ...) were concluded.
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