Evaluation of Research Outputs Focused on the Effectiveness of Advertisements in the Health Field
Subject Areas : Business Management
Mohammadhosein Riahi
Shahnaz Nayebzadeh
Abolfazl Davodi Roknabadi
1 - PhD student, Department of Business Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Professor, Business Management Department, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Professor, Fabric and Clothing Design Department, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Health, Illustration, Science, Effectiveness of Advertising,
Abstract :
The experience of different countries around the world during the coronavirus pandemic confirmed the importance of advertising as a tool to change people's attitude and behavior. On this basis and in terms of the exorbitant costs of advertising, the issue of the effectiveness of advertising, especially in the field of health, has attracted the attention of managers and decision makers of countries as well as researchers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine published international research on the effectiveness of advertising in the field of health in order to gain comprehensive insight. The present descriptive-analytical research with a scientometrics approach and using the method of synonym analysis and network analysis examines 438 articles indexed on the Web of Science database between 1970 and 2022. Data analysis using Vos Viewer software shows that the spring of 2021 is the cradle of research conducted on the effectiveness of advertising in the field of health and America. The wide range of keywords chosen by researchers in their articles, which means the comprehensiveness of research in this field, as well as the scientific cooperation of different countries around the world and the reception of first-rate journals in medical sciences, along with top business journals, show the common concern of researchers in an interdisciplinary field and the birth of clusters. It is new science. Acquiring a comprehensive insight in the field of scientific research acts as a beacon for future researchers, especially in the field of health, and spends advertising costs that have a significant contribution to the health budget of countries, along with research costs, brings it closer to effectiveness.
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Di Benedetto, C. A. (2021). Advertising and the Marketplace by Lynne Pepall and Dan Richards. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
Esmaeilpour, M., Izadi, H., Afrakhteh, S., & Zahedi, F. (2019). The impact of the effectiveness of celebrity endorsements in advertising on the image of the advertised brand. Quarterly Journal of Brand Management, 5(4), 107-140. [In Persian]
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Kalantari, A., Kermanshahani, F., & Malekifard, E. (2015). Patterns of Article Publication and Citation Behavior of the Faculties of Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. Health Information Management, 11(7), 820-829. [In Persian]
Kao, T. F., & Du, Y. Z. (2020). A study on the influence of green advertising design and environmental emotion on advertising effect. Journal of Cleaner Production(242), 1-13.
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Nallaperuma, K., Septianto, F., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2021). Mixed emotional appeal enhances advertising effectiveness of pro-environmental luxury brands: the mediating role of cognitive flexibility. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics., 34(1), 175-189.
Pozharliev, R., Rossi, D., & De Angelis, M. (2022). A picture says more than a thousand words: Using consumer neuroscience to study Instagram users' responses to influencer advertising. Psychology & Marketing, 12(2), 93-96.
Purcarea, V. L. (2019). The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. Journal of Medicine and Life, 12(2), 93-96.
Pyun, D. Y., & James, J. D. (2011). Attitude toward advertising through sport: A theoretical framework. Sport management review(14), 33-41.
Sarfraz, U., & Bano, S. (2022). Moderating impact of brand authenticity and control over ads on the effectiveness of Facebook advertising: a two-sample study. EuroMed Journal of Business, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print). https://doi.org/10.1108/EMJB-12-2021-0196
Septianto, F., Japutra, A., Sung, B., & Seo, Y. (2022). The interaction effect of country-of-origin positioning and cultural distance on international advertising effectiveness: a construal level perspective. International Marketing Review, 39(4), 931-954. https://doi.org/10.1108/IMR-10-2021-0291
Shapiro, B. T., Hitsch, G. J., & Tuchman, A. E. (2021). TV advertising effectiveness and profitability: Generalizable results from 288 brands. Econometrica, 89(4), 1855-1879.
Sharifi, M., Khazaei Pour, J., Jalilvand, M. R., Tabaeeian, R. A., & Ghanbarpour Jooybari, M. (2019). Forecasting of advertising effectiveness for renewable energy technologies: A neural network analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change(143), 154-161.
Snoswell, C. L., Chelberg, G., De Guzman, K. R., Haydon, H. H., Thomas, E. E., Caffery, L. J., & Smith, A. C. (2021). The clinical effectiveness of telehealth: a systematic review of meta-analyses from 2010 to 2019. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 1357633X211022907(Advance online publication), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1177/1357633X211022907
Spencer-Thomas, S., Hindman, J., & Conrad, J. (2014). Man therapy: Outreach and impact on men’s mental health program 18 months after launch. 1-11. Retrieved 17 Octoer 2022, from https://mantherapy.org/pdf/White-Paper-Man-Therapy.pdf
To, R. N., & Patrick, V. M. (2021). How the eyes connect to the heart: The influence of eye gaze direction on advertising effectiveness. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(1), 123-146.
World Health Organization. (2019). Global spending on health: a world in transition. Retrieved 17 Octoer 2022, from https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/330357
Yousef, M., Rundle-Thiele, S., & Dietrich, T. (2021). Advertising appeals effectiveness: a systematic literature review. Health Promotion International, 36(1), 1-14.