The Relationship Between Spirituality in the Workplace and Employee Commitment with Respect to the Mediating Role of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and the Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence
Subject Areas : Public Administration
Alireza Mazidi
Fatemeh Janginia
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Iran.
2 - Public Management, Instructor, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr Branch, Iran
Keywords: emotional intelligence, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, workplace spirituality, Employee Commitment,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between spirituality in the workplace and employee commitment with respect to the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior and the moderating role of emotional intelligence in Golestan Central Broadcasting. The present study was conducted using descriptive / survey and correlation methods. The statistical population was all employees of Golestan Broadcasting Center, which numbered 400 people. Using Krejcie and Morgan's table, 196 people were determined as the sample size and the sampling method was simple random. The research data were collected by the library and field methods and the tools used were the standard questionnaires of spirituality in the workplace "Milliman et al", the standard questionnaire of employee commitment "Meyer and Allen", the standard questionnaire of organizational citizenship behavior "Podsakoff", and the standard questionnaire of emotional intelligence. "Bradbury and Graves." The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method for workplace spirituality questionnaire 0.835, employee commitment questionnaire 0.864, organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire 0.823, and emotional intelligence questionnaire 0.856, and the validity of the instrument was confirmed by the convergent validity method. Also, data analysis was performed using the structural equation modeling method and Smart-PLS software, which shows the significance of all hypotheses, and in general, the research hypotheses have been confirmed.
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