Investigating the effect of management skills on the tendency to succeed the administrators of tax affairs in Hamadan province
Subject Areas : Human Capital Empowerment
ameneh malmir
hosein torabi
1 - Department of Management, FARAHAN Branch, Islamic Azad University, FARAHAN, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Komijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Komijan, Iran
Keywords: Managerial Skills, Technical, perceptual, successor skills,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of managerial skills in the tendency to replace the executives in the tax office of Hamadan province. This research is an applied and a descriptive survey and field research method that was conducted in a quantitative manner. Also, this study aims to gather background information and theoretical foundations from the library method and statistical data from the field method. Used. The statistical population of all managers employed in the tax office of Hamadan province is 90 persons as sample by census method. To analyze the questionnaire data from statistical indices such as frequency, tables and graphs in descriptive statistics, and from Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, one-factor analysis of variance in SPSS software package in statistics section. Inferential is used. The findings show that the main hypothesis of managerial skills has a significant effect on the tendency for surrogacy. They have no significant effect on surrogacy.
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