Internet addiction prediction based on self-esteem, quality of life and defense mechanisms in Tehran high school boys
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterly
Azadeh Rezayatizadeh
Sara Ziafar
Fatemeh Khonsari
Ahmad Torabi
1 - Master of Clinical Psychology, Tehran Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Master of General Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
3 - Master of Clinical Psychology, Semnan Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
4 - Master of Clinical Psychology, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Keywords: self-esteem, internet addiction, quality of life, defense mechanism,
Abstract :
Today, the Internet has a special place in people's lives. Internet addiction in students is one of the new addictions in modern societies. The study was conducted to predict Internet addiction based on self-esteem, quality of life, and defense mechanisms in first-year high school boys. The research was descriptive and correlational. The statistical population included all male high school boys in Tehran. Using the available sampling method, 200 people were selected and assigned to the Internet Addiction Questionnaire (Young, 1996), Defensive Style Questionnaire (Anders et al., 1993), Quality of Life Questionnaire (World Health Organization Experts, 1996) and Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Coprasmith). , 1967) responded. The results showed that there was a negative and significant relationship between Internet addiction and self-esteem (r = -0.593 and p = 0.007) and quality of life (r = -0.714 and p = 0.012), respectively. Between Internet addiction and psychotic defense mechanisms (r = 0.678 and p = 0.005) and underdeveloped growth (r = 0.637 and p = 0.003), there is a positive but significant relationship between the defense mechanism of growth. Results (r = -0.819 and p = 0.017) Internet addiction has a negative and significant relationship. The results of regression analysis also showed that predictive variables were able to explain 0.41% of variance in Internet addiction scores together. As a result, according to the results of the study, it is suggested that planners, education officials and families, in addition to managing the use of the Internet in adolescents, also pay attention to quality of life and self-esteem structures and the development of defense mechanisms. .