Study of the role of social capital, cultural capital, economic capital in the tendency to urban violence in three unexpected areas, concentration and concentration in Ardabil
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlyseyyed javad seyyed navaz saei 1 , eghbaleh azizkhani 2 , smad abedini 3
1 - Assistant Professor Farhangian University
2 - university of khalkhal
3 - University of Khalkhal
Keywords: Social capital, Cultural capital, economic capital, urban violence,
Abstract :
Urban violence is one of the social harms in which many factors are effective. In this study, the role of social capital (with components of social relations network, social participation, social trust) and cultural capital in the dimension (objectified and embodied) and economic capital and their relationship in the tendency to urban violence between The people of Ardabil have been studied. This study was conducted as a survey. In this study, mainly Shaw and Mackey, Hirsch, Bandura theory were used, the data collection tool was a questionnaire and samples were selected from three regions by quota method based on the population of each region. Analysis of data obtained through Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression, the research findings showed that there is a significant inverse relationship between social capital and cultural capital and economic capital and the tendency to violence among the people of Ardabil. Also, the tendency to violence in Ardabil has been shown to be somewhat higher than average and through one-way analysis of variance, the tendency to violence in privileged and non-privileged areas is higher than the semi-privileged area.