Designing a Teacher Training Curriculum Model for Elementary Education Associate Students
Roghaye Rafati
.Ph. D student of Curriculum Planing at lamerd Branch,Islamic Azad University, lamerd, Iran,
ahmad hashemi
ddddCurriculum Development, Islamic Azad University, Lamard, Iran
Abbas Gholtash
Associate Professor in Curriculum Studies, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Marvdasht Branch,Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
ali asghar masinghi
Assistant Professor in Educational planing Studies, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, lamerd Branch,Islamic Azad University, lamerd, Iran
Keywords: Curriculum, Primary education, Teacher Practice,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to design a teacher training curriculum model for primary education associate students. The method of the present study is a combination (quantitative-qualitative) of exploratory type. The approach used in the quantitative part is deductive and also in the qualitative part is synthetic research. , and statistical population for interviewing curriculum specialists of educational science professors who have taught teacher training courses 1 and 2. Due to the limited size of the population, the statistical sample of 15 internship professors was selected by purposive and available sampling. Data collection tools were used to collect books, articles, documents and texts related to teacher training and to collect qualitative data, semi-structured interview tools with open-ended questions were used. Data analysis method is a thematic coding method that has been done in three steps. First, all data was presented as text, and data analysis began with repeated reading of the text for a general understanding. Data sources include interviews and texts and documents provided to the researcher regarding research questions. Each code semantic data was then assigned a code or tag. To prepare the title and name for the codes, specialized literature in the areas of teacher training or terms in the text were used. After encoding all the data, they were subdivided into a single category or class based on the commonalities they had with each other, and then the general concept that resulted from the summation of these categories (themes) was obtained. Findings of the study including the designed model of teacher training based on the components of objectives, content, teaching methods and evaluation methods of the teacher training curriculum for use for associate students of primary education in Islamic Azad University were presented.