The study of the relationship between the use of mass media and the adherence of citizen culture ( Case study: People aged 18 years and older in Ghaemshahr)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences Quarterlymehrdad matani 1 , Abolghasem Raeisi Naphchi 2 , Nasrin Taghizade shiyade 3
1 - Assistant Professor Department of media management, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad Unuversity
2 - Ph.D. student of management, media management, Semnan unit, Islamic Azad University
3 - Ph.D. student of management, media management, Semnan unit, Islamic Azad University
Keywords: Mass Media, citizenship, Virtual social networks, Culture of citizenship,
Abstract :
Citizenship culture forms the norms of society and forms the basis for communication between citizens, A city which is rich culture enhances the security and peace of the city, and the participation of citizens in every activity is evident. A city which is in rich culture that enhances the security and peace of the city, and the participation of citizens in every activity is evident. A collaborative builder that reduces city administration costs and replaces the smile with worries and unrest. Regarding the importance of the topic of citizenship culture, the present study uses field method, scrolling technique and the participation of citizens in every activity is evident. The research tool of the questionnaire and the use of the SPSS software seek to investigate the relationship between mass media and adherence to the culture of citizenship as the main objective. The statistical population of this study is all citizens aged 18 years and above in Qaemshahr city . 384 of them were surveyed as sample size The results of the research indicate that between using mass media with total adherence to citizenship culture (0.30) and its dimensions: social participation (3.62), socialism (2.91), social responsibility (3 /44), the tendency to follow the law (3/58) has a positive and meaningful relationship; therefore, all the research hypotheses are confirmed.