Investigating the role of individual, family, social and economic factors in the tendency towards addiction in women (Case Study: Golestan Province)
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlyAkram Mohammadiniko 1 , Alireza Ghorbani 2 , Azam Mohhamadinikoo 3
1 - PhD Student, Sociology Dehaghan Azad University, Teacher of Applied Academic Home of Golestan Workers' Home
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Master's degree in Art Research, Islamic Azad University, Golestan Branch, Ali Abad Katoul Branch. His expert in agriculture and Agriculture of the General Education Department of Gorgan
Keywords: Economic, Social, individual, women addiction, familial,
Abstract :
Drug addiction is a social pathology that underlies the cause of the collapse of many values, cultural norms and ethics. This dilemma was considered by men only, but has recently also involved women. Objective: The present study aims to investigate the individual, familial, social, and economical factors. Methodology: This study was performed in Applied and survey manner. Method: Statistical population includes all of women who had referred to two rehab centers in Gorgan and Azadshahr cities. The subject was consisted of all women with a tendency toward addiction in Addiction Treatment Center in Gorgan, all 343 people were considered. The sample size using Cochran formula was 200 people. Sampling was conducted in random manner. Data collection was done by using self-made questionnaire in this research. To analyze the data obtained from research Amos software was used. Findings: The results obtained from factor analysis model showed that the most significant factor that causes addiction in women was individual factor with the factor loading of .92, the second was related to familial factor, the third effective factor was social factor and the last factor was economical factor with no significant effect. Conclusion: In this study it was shown that among women addiction tendency factors, individual, familial and social were the most effective one.