Cultural, Social and Economic Factors of the Sustainable Urban Development in Isfahan
Subject Areas : Social Sciences QuarterlyAmirali Dorosty 1 , Mehdi Adibi 2 , Abdolreza Adhami 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Shoushtar Branch of Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar Branch, Shoushtar, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: progress, education, Social capital, traditionalism, Native development, development-oriented programs,
Abstract :
Humanity has long been associated with the concept of development and its life is deeply tied to this concept. Development should be considered multidimensional, which requires major changes in social construction, the perception of the general public and national institutions, the explanation of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and the eradication of absolute poverty. Today, development is in many dimensions, and sustainable urban development is one of the most important dimensions of development. The title of this research is the deterrent and accelerator of social, economic and cultural sustainability of urban development. This research has been conducted in a survey method. The statistical data of the research in Isfahan city were selected in a proportional way with 388 people using the Cochran formula. In the inferential part, with the help of statistical analyzes, F test, Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis, and spss 22 software were used. To survey the theoretical hypotheses from the evolutionary school development theories, sustainable development theories, renovation school and affiliated school of interest Taken. The results of research hypotheses have shown that all ten variables of social participation, social capital, co-ordinated urban management, economic status, education, citizenship culture, environmental culture, social commitment, accountability and quality of life have a direct and significant effect on sustainable urban development. Isfahan. Also, the results of regression analysis show that the correlation coefficient between independent and dependent variables is 0.670, which shows that there is a strong correlation between independent and dependent variables.