Analysis of the Effects of Cities’ Physical Development on the Future of the Urban Environment (Case study: Parand New City)
Subject Areas : Urban Futurology
Kamran Valipour
Aliasghar Rezvani
Saeid Piri
1 - student
2 - Associate professor of Geography & urban planning Islamic Azad university, central Tehran Branch, Iran (corresponding author)
3 - Assistance Profesoor, Department of Architecture and Urban Planing, Unit of Hamedan, Azad Univercity of Hamedan.
Keywords: Foresight, physical development, Urban environment, New city, Parand City,
Abstract :
New cities have been built with the approach of attracting the population of large cities overflowing in their immediate vicinity, which will face environmental issues in the future, as the process of attracting population continues. Air and noise pollution caused by pendulum migration and physical development has led to the growth of environmental issues in the new city of Parand. Accordingly, this study examines the effects of the physical development of the new city of Parand on the future environment of the city. The type of research is applied and the method of the study is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population is specialists and experts and the sample size using multi-stage sampling method is 60 people. The required data has been collected through library method and field study (questionnaire). Inferential statistical methods such as regression coefficients, T-test and hierarchical analysis model have been used to analyze the data. Findings show that part of the environmental issues of Parand is affected by the urban complex of Tehran. Another part is due to the formation and development of Parand city itself، such as air pollution caused by industrial activities in the southern part of the city، pollution caused by urban and industrial wastewater and municipal waste production near Imam Khomeini International Airport close to Tehran-Saveh road and finally the prevailing winds in the region (west to east). Findings show that the growth rate of migration - physical development - urban growth rate has direct effects on increasing environmental issues in the new city of Parand in indicators such as noise and air pollution (being located in the Tehran-Saveh belt and increasing pendulum migration from the new city Parand to Tehran and Karaj) and environmental pollution due to the physical development of this city (pollution due to physical development and construction growth).