Sociological analysis of Mehr housing massification policy and its role on the reduction of social deprivation under study (Mehr housing in the new phase of Hashtgerd and Shahr Lahijan in Gilan province)
Forozan Nahas
Doctoral student of Sociology of Economy and Development, Islamic Azad University, Faculty of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran.
Mostafa Azkia
Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Mehrdad Navabakhsh
Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Submited date : 2024-01-04
Accepted date : 2024-04-11
economic inequality,
inequality of urban facilities,
inequality of quality of life indicators and lack of physical and spatial facilities,
Abstract :
Housing is a social phenomenon and the arrangement and type of spaces as well as its appearance is influenced by cultural, social and economic factors. The aim of the current study was to analyze the sociological analysis of Mehr's housing massification policy and its role in reducing the social deprivations studied (Mehr housing in the new phase of Hashtgerd and Shahr Lahijan in Gilan province). The research method, grounded theory, and the studied community include all citizens living in Mehr housing in Hashtgerd city and Lahijan city in Gilan province. In this research, purposeful sampling, snowball and theoretical saturation index were used to sample the research population. In the present study, interviews were conducted with 16 households living in Mehr housing. The information in this research was collected through semi-structured interviews. Collected data were coded, conceptualized and categorized. The findings of the research were based on the research paradigm model in five axes (causal conditions, intervening conditions and background conditions, strategies and consequences). The results of the research showed that the quantitative and qualitative problems of Mehr housing, poor location, economic security problems, environmental welfare problems, and institutional problems are the most important problems of Mehr housing in the scope of the study, which are all rooted in the poor management of the different phases of the implementation of the Mehr housing project. Paying attention to the identified problems, in the not too distant future these social housing will face more complex and critical challenges.
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