Investigating the Effect of Implicit and Explicit Oral Corrective Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability: The Interactive Role of Self-Regulation Strategy
Subject Areas : Journal of Language, Culture, and Translation
نادیا قرنی
حامد ضرابی
نیما یمرلی
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Keywords: Written Corrective Feedback (WCF), Speaking skills, Explicit and Implicit Oral Corrective Feedback, Self-Regulation Strategy (SRS),
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the influence of two types of OCF on Iranian EFL learners’ speaking skills, the effect of SRS on EFL learners’ speaking proficiency, and the interactive role of self-regulation strategy (SRS) with the two types of OCF. The research involved 60 female teenage students from Gonbad-e-Kavous secondary high school in Golestan province, divided into three groups of twenty: ‘control,’ ‘implicit,’ and ‘explicit.’ The Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was used to homogenize the students’ language proficiency levels. Consent forms and self-regulation questionnaires were distributed at the beginning of the experiment. The data was collected through pre-test and post-test speaking assessments (using IELTS sample tests) and analyzed using Two-Way ANOVA and Two-Way ANCOVA. The results revealed that there were significant differences between the explicit, implicit, and control groups' post-test means after considering the pretest's impact. Additionally, there was a notable variance between the low and high self-regulation groups' average scores in relation to their post-test results, even after accounting for the pretest's impact. Finally, there was no significant interaction between the types of feedback (explicit, implicit, and control) and self-regulation levels. The current investigation is of importance for language teachers to integrate supplementary techniques of corrective feedback in their teaching approaches, with a focus on explicit corrections during the oral assignments of students.
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