The Role of Religion in Human Relations and International Relations
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
1 - Ph.D. student in international relations, Kharazmi University,
Keywords: Civilization, international relations, legitimacy, Fundamentalism, secularism, religion,
Abstract :
Abstract Following the developments of recent decades, once again religion as an important and effective factor has entered social affairs and as a result secularism’s authority has been challenged in all spheres. This important development, not only focused the attention on the role of religion in political relations of human societies, rather many believe that despite the prevailing notion, religion has always been present in human societies and has acted in human life in different ways. This role can be positive and negative, positive in order to achieve peace and negative by fueling tensions. In response to the fact that how religion is continuously acting in public sphere in general and in international relations in particular following hypothesis is propounded. Religion is an old institute, as old as human’s creation and it provides a framework within which man can think and live and it affects his life in a variety of ways. Therefore, secularism cannot deny the authority of religion in man’s life and in practice secularism is directly and indirectly under the influence of religion. In a way following changes in circumstances and human societies it again affects all aspects of human life and revives its authority.