Influential Factors in Russia's Approach to Iran's Nuclear Program; From Bushehr Power Plant to Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relations
Hadi Zargari
1 - University of Tehran
2 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Economic factors, international factors, foreign policy', s role, Keywords: Russia's foreign policy, Iran&rsquo, s Nuclear Program,
Abstract :
Abstract: Russia has been one of the most influential actors in the technical and political process of Iran's nuclear program but there are no identical views about Russia's viewpoint about Iran's nuclear program. In order to evaluate these views the present article raises the question as to what are the factors shaping Russia's technical and political approach and behavior towards Iran's nuclear program? In response to the above question authors propound the hypothesis that Russia's approach can be evaluated within the larger framework of Russia's foreign policy and Russia's global, regional and nuclear role which is influenced by identity discourse of this country. Therefore, Russia's consideration in foreign policy is multi-aspect which include its effort for playing a global, regional role and nuclear doctrine along with international and economic factors in different period of time. Thus the emphasis on only one of these factors leads to reductionism and cannot explain the change in Russia's attitude and behavior. The methodology used in the paper is descriptive-analytical by using library sources and conducting interview.