The Role of the United States Congress in Imposing of Sanctions against Iran
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International Relationshossein moradi 1 , hossein daheshyar 2
1 - Ph.D. student in international relations, Allameh Tabatabaei University.
2 - Associate professor, international relations department, Allameh Tabatabaei University.
Keywords: Foreign policy, Sanction, Separation of Power, check and balance, Keywords: Congress,
Abstract :
Abstract: The United States political system is based on separation of powers with dividing the power between each branches and the check and balance system oversee the other branches. As result due to this system of check and balance there is always a struggle between the president and the Congress in foreign policy matters. Thus each branch under the constitution claims that has the right or power to give its opinion on foreign policy matters. This interference of the role has also shown itself in the case of the United States foreign policy vis-à-vis Iran and each branch particularly the legislative branch tries to exert his views about Iran. The present article by a descriptive and analytical method and by referring to bills approved in the Congress against Iran and also the hearing held about Iran wants to answer this question that what role the United States Congress plays in furtherance of policies about Iran and how it tries to pursue it? The hypothesis is that every time Congress has entered into US foreign policy decision making process, the result has been the adoption of aggressive and stringent decisions about Iran. In fact the Congress has tried to have upper hand over the president in determining the policies against Iran.
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