The United States Media policy against Russia: Hollywood and New Cold War and Revival of Russia Phobia
Subject Areas : Political Sciences- International RelationsBashir Esmaeil 1 , Seyed Hassan Malaekeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch.
2 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Shahreza Branch.
Keywords: Russia, United States of America, Hollywood, the New Cold War, Keywords: Media Policy,
Abstract :
Abstract: During the Cold War besides arms and ideological competition between the United States and Soviet Union which was based on balance of power, the United States supremacy in cultural production especially in the form of Hollywood cinema was used as a soft war against the latter. After the disintegration of Soviet Union, gradually the focus of media war of the United States changed from communism to Islam and the Middle East region. This trend was intensified after September 11, 2001 incidents. A large wave of cultural products was produced with Islam phobia content. Meanwhile by the expansion of the influence of Russia in some regions of the world and formation of a new balance of power and rivalry which some observers interpreted it as new Cold War, the media war of America against Russia has been revived. The main question raised by the article is whether the developments in relations of the United States with Russia have affected media policy of America against Russia?” The finding of the study shows that after some of Russia’s success in strategic places of the world the United States media policy after a period of propaganda against Islamist and the Muslims they are now focusing on Russia phobia policy. The methodology used in the paper is comparative and interpretative.
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