• فهرس المقالات information structure

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - The Portrayal of Information Structure in Persian Spoken Genres
        Bahram Hadian Fatemeh Aghaei Vali Rezaei
        تحقیقات علمی کافی در مورد کارکرد ژانرها و ویژگی‌های گفتمانی مربوط به آن‌ها در قلمرو ساختار اطلاعات و تفسیر نحوی آن در زبان فارسی وجود ندارد. پژوهش حاضر که ماهیت توصیفی و پیکره‌محور دارد، برای تحلیل سه ژانر متمایز زبان فارسی به‌ویژه گفتمان سیاسی، گفتمان علمی و گفتگوی روز أکثر
        تحقیقات علمی کافی در مورد کارکرد ژانرها و ویژگی‌های گفتمانی مربوط به آن‌ها در قلمرو ساختار اطلاعات و تفسیر نحوی آن در زبان فارسی وجود ندارد. پژوهش حاضر که ماهیت توصیفی و پیکره‌محور دارد، برای تحلیل سه ژانر متمایز زبان فارسی به‌ویژه گفتمان سیاسی، گفتمان علمی و گفتگوی روزمره طراحی شده است. هدف این مطالعه بررسی ساختار اطلاعات موجود در این ژانرها است که از طریق چهار ابزار نحوی کلیدی بیان می‌شود: شکاف، شبه شکاف، صدای منفعل و پیش‌فرض. برای دستیابی به هدف مورد نظر، هزار بیان کلامی متمایز در مورد هر یک از ژانرهای مذکور از پایگاه چندرسانه ای پایگاه اینترنتی ایرنا (خبرگزاری ایران) و گفتگوهای روزمره میان آشنایان و اعضای خانواده محققین با استفاده از چارچوب نظری لامبرشت برای ساختن ساختار اطلاعات به دست آمده است. پس از جمع آوری داده ها، رونویسی انجام شد و دستگاه های نحوی مختلفی شناسایی شدند. پس از آن، آمار توصیفی برای تجزیه و تحلیل و درک بازنمایی این ابزار نحوی در انواع مختلف ژانر مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. یافته‌ها حاکی از آن است که در سه طبقه‌بندی گفتمان سیاسی، گفتمان علمی و بحث‌های رایج، تفاوت‌های مشخصی در تصویرسازی ابزارها وجود دارد. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - Representation of Information Structure in Persian Spoken Genres: Syntactic devices in focus
        Fatemeh Aghaei Bahram Hadian Vali Rezaei
        There is scarce systematic research on the role of genres and their associated discourse features in Information Structure and its syntactic representations in Persian. The current descriptive, corpus-based study, therefore, aimed to investigate three different genres o أکثر
        There is scarce systematic research on the role of genres and their associated discourse features in Information Structure and its syntactic representations in Persian. The current descriptive, corpus-based study, therefore, aimed to investigate three different genres of Persian spoken language; that is, political, scientific and daily conversation, in terms of their Information Structure as realized through four syntactic devices of clefting, pseudo-clefting, passive and preposing. To this purpose, 1000 different utterances related to each of the mentioned genres, were extracted from the multi-media archive of IRNA (Iranian News Agency) website and daily conversations of the researchers’ family members and friends, based on Lambrecht’s theoretical framework in modeling the Information Structure. The collected data were then transcribed, the syntactic devices were identified, and descriptive statistics were used to see how the above syntactic devices are represented in each genre type. The results revealed that the devices are represented differently in the three genres of political, scientific, and daily conversations. This finding may be of interest to linguists and language theoreticians. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - The Efficacy of the Deductive and Inductive Approaches in Teaching Information Structure (IS) of Non-Canonical Sentences and Its Effect on Iranian EFL Learners
        Hamidreza Sheikhi Bahram Hadian Mehdi Vaez dalili
        The present study attempts to compare the efficacy of the Deductive and inductive approaches in teaching Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences and its effect on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension in college. In this respect, 69 undergradua أکثر
        The present study attempts to compare the efficacy of the Deductive and inductive approaches in teaching Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences and its effect on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension in college. In this respect, 69 undergraduate Persian-speaking EFL learners (28 males and 41 females, mean age ≃ 21, age range=19-24, years of EFL learning ≃ 8, sophomore); majoring in English Literature and English Translation at the department of English Language and Literature, Arak University, Iran, were chosen in the form of two homogeneous intact groups, namely The Deductive (experimental) and Inductive (control) groups, consisting of 36 and 33 participants, respectively. Providing a six-week training course including twelve treatment sessions of The Deductive vs. Inductive instructions of IS principles, the results of statistical comparisons using paired-samples t-test and independent-samples t-test concerning the participants’ performance of each group indicated a significant improvement in reading comprehension. Concerning the pretest to the post-test phase, the momentum of progress has been sharper in the Deductive group. Regarding the post-test to the delayed post-test stage, deterioration of obtained reading comprehension abilities by EFL learners in the Deductive group has been statistically significant, whereas the findings indicate that the EFL learners of the Inductive group have shown statistically considerable retention of improved skill. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - Iranian Advanced EFL Learners’ Awareness and the Use of Marked Word Order: Discourse-pragmatically Motivated Variations
        Farzaneh Fotouhinia1 Esmaeel Bagheridoost
        The present investigation was designed to study the production and comprehension of specific means for information highlighted by advanced Iranian learners of English as a Foreign Language. The study focused on the discourse-pragmatically motivated variations of the bas أکثر
        The present investigation was designed to study the production and comprehension of specific means for information highlighted by advanced Iranian learners of English as a Foreign Language. The study focused on the discourse-pragmatically motivated variations of the basic word order such as inversion, pre-posing, it- and Wh-clefts. After taking the Nelson test, a homogeneous group was settled. For measuring the learners’ comprehension, a set of meta-linguistic tests was administered consisting of an acceptability judgment task along with an error identification task. In the case of investigating the learners’ production, they were supplied with a test of production consisting of discourse completion items. A total of 30 males and females who were all MA EFL learners served as the participants of this study. First, the production task was administered, and the learners went through the comprehension task in another session. Descriptive analysis and Pearson tests were performed on the data to test the hypotheses of the study. The results indicated that the advanced Iranian learners of English are aware of the syntactic options for structuring the information; however, they avoid producing these structures in their use of language to convey their proper pragmatic functions. Furthermore, there is no meaningful relationship between the learners’ awareness and their use of marked structures. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Syntactic Devices of Information Structure in Persian Spoken Genres: Political, Scientific, and Everyday Conversation in Focus
        Fatemeh Aghaei Bahram Hadian Vali Rezaei
        This descriptive and corpus-based study examined the role of genres and their discourse features in information structure and its syntactic representations in Persian. It aimed to investigate three genres of Persian spoken language, that is, political, scientific, and e أکثر
        This descriptive and corpus-based study examined the role of genres and their discourse features in information structure and its syntactic representations in Persian. It aimed to investigate three genres of Persian spoken language, that is, political, scientific, and everyday conversation, in terms of their information structure as realized through four syntactic devices of clefting, pseudo-clefting, passive, and preposing. For this purpose, 1000 utterances related to each of the mentioned genres were extracted based on Lambrecht’s theoretical framework for modeling the information structure. The collected data were then transcribed, and the most frequently-used syntactic structures of information structure in each genre were identified. Finally, the Mann-Whitney U test and descriptive statistics were used to see which of the three genre types has higher values than the other two in terms of the four syntactic devices. The results of data analysis revealed that there is a significant difference among the three genres in terms of the frequency of use of syntactic devices. In fact, preposing occurred most frequently in everyday conversations, passives in scientific texts, and clefting and pseudo-clefts in political texts. This finding has supportive implications for linguistic and educational experts as well as language theoreticians. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - Teaching Information Structure of Non-Canonical Sentences through a Deductive Vs. an Inductive Approach: Effects on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Products
        Hamidreza Sheikhi Bahram Hadian Mehdi Vaez-Dalili
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners’ writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth أکثر
        This study investigates the effect of deductive versus inductive teaching of Information Structure (IS) of non-canonical sentences on Iranian EFL learners’ writing productions. To do so 69 participants majoring in English literature and English translation, fourth semester, Arak University, participated in this study in the form of two intact groups called Deductive (experimental) and Inductive (control) groups, comprising 36 and 33 participants in that order. Under the effect of twelve treatment sessions of deductive vs. inductive instructions of IS principles, six weeks, the statistical analyses of the results regarding the pretest-posttest phase disclosed significant improvement of the participants’ writing scores in both groups. Concerning the post-test results, no statistically significant difference was observed in the Deductive vs. Inductive groups’ writing scores. Regarding the posttest-delayed posttest results, the statistical analyses showed a significant decrease in the Deductive group’ writing scores while the writing scores reduction in the Inductive group was not significant. So, the findings revealed a significant retention of improved writing skills in association with the Inductive group. Possible explanations for the writing improvement and implications of the findings for language teaching have been discussed. تفاصيل المقالة