• فهرس المقالات graft

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        1 - مطالعه تجربی فرآوری قرنیه بدون سلول شترمرغ به عنوان زنوگرافت
        مریم فتوره چی حمیدرضا فتاحیان عبدالمحمد کجباف زاده
        چکیدهقرنیه سالم مهمترین عامل در مسیر اپتیکی چشم محسوب میشود. کوری قرنیه بهعلل و شدتهای متفاوتی رخ میدهد و در اغلب موارد مناسبترین درمان پیوندآلوگرافت است. محدودیتهای نگهداری و کمبود بافت آلوگرافت، استفاده از بافتزنوگرافت را در کنار بیومتریالهای سنتتیک و قرنیه مصنوعی، به أکثر
        چکیدهقرنیه سالم مهمترین عامل در مسیر اپتیکی چشم محسوب میشود. کوری قرنیه بهعلل و شدتهای متفاوتی رخ میدهد و در اغلب موارد مناسبترین درمان پیوندآلوگرافت است. محدودیتهای نگهداری و کمبود بافت آلوگرافت، استفاده از بافتزنوگرافت را در کنار بیومتریالهای سنتتیک و قرنیه مصنوعی، به عنوان جایگزینمطرح ساخته است. تحقیق حاضر با توجه به نیاز دسترسی به منابع دهنده بافتی، بااستفاده از قرنیه شترمرغ و بهرهگیری از فناوری بدون سلول کردن بافت، به تهیهماتریکس خارج سلولی از قرنیه میپردازد.ده عدد سر شترمرغ از کشتارگاه تهیه شد. پس از آماده سازی و جداسازی قرنیه، باترکیب دو روش شیمیایی مکانیکی و دترجنت یونی، دیسک آسلولار تهیه گردید.بهمنظور تأیید حذف سلولها و حفظ ساختار قرنیه، مقاطع بافتی با میکروسکوپنوری و الکترونی، مورد مطالعه ریزبینی و فوق ریزبینی قرار گرفتند. ارزیابیشفافیت و ضخامت قرنیه به صورت ماکروسکوپی صورت گرفت.مطالعه ریز بینی نمونههای فرآوری شده نشان دهنده حذف سلولهای قرنیه و حفظیکپارچه غشاء پایه بود. بررسی بافت همبندی در مطالعه فراساختاری حاکی از عدمبهم ریختگی در ساختار کلاژنی به همراه افزایش فاصله بین دستجات کلاژنی بود.دیسک آسلولار با درجاتی از کدورت، پس از غوطه ور سازی در گلیسرول 100درصد شفاف گردیدمطالعه حاضر نشان داد با روش کار اشاره شده، دستیابی به بافت بدون سلول از قرنیهشترمرغ امکان پذیر میباشد و پس از انجام سایر آزمایشها نظیر کشت سلول، ایمنی وبیومکانیک، قابلیت کاربرد در مطالعات بالینی تجربی را خواهد داشت. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - آسیب شناسی بافتی تأثیر ژل سیکلوسپورین بر پیوند آزاد تمام ضخامت پوست (آلوگرافت) در موش صحرایی
        ارغوان مفیدی، علیرضا جهاندیده، سعید حصارکی .
        امروزه از پیوند پوست به میزان گسترده درترمیم جراحت های پوستی استفاده می‌شود. سیکلوسپورین یکی از پرمصرف ترین و موثرترین داروهای سرکوبگر ایمنی است که در عین حال استفاده سیستمیک از آن دارای عوارض جانبی و سمیبر روی سیستم عصبی، کلیه و کبد می‌باشد. هدف از این مطالعه ارزیابی أکثر
        امروزه از پیوند پوست به میزان گسترده درترمیم جراحت های پوستی استفاده می‌شود. سیکلوسپورین یکی از پرمصرف ترین و موثرترین داروهای سرکوبگر ایمنی است که در عین حال استفاده سیستمیک از آن دارای عوارض جانبی و سمیبر روی سیستم عصبی، کلیه و کبد می‌باشد. هدف از این مطالعه ارزیابی تاثیرژل 5/0% سیکلوسپورین در رد پیوند آزاد تمام ضخامت پوست در موش صحرایی است. در این مطالعه تجربی از45 موش صحرایی نر بالغ نژاد ویستار به عنوان گیرنده‌ی پیوند و 15 موش نر بالغ اسپراگودالی(SD) به عنوان دهنده‌ی پیوند با محدوده سنی 14 تا 15 هفته و محدوده وزنی 200 ± 10گرم استفاده شد. پس از بیهوشی عمومی، برش تمام ضخامت، پوست دایره‌ای شکل به قطر 5/1 سانتی‌متر شامل لایه‌های اپیدرم و درم از موش‌های دهنده اسپراگودالی به محل وسط کتف گیرنده‌ی ویستار پیوند زده شد. پس از پیوند، موش‌ها به طور تصادفی به 3 گروه 15تایی (شاهد، کنترل مثبت و تیمار با ژل 5/0% سیکلوسپورین تقسیم شده سپس هر کدام خود به 5 گروه 3تایی (گروه‌های نمونه‌برداری در روزهای 3 ، 7 و 15) تقسیم شدند. در گروه شاهد هیچ درمانی صورت نگرفت. گروه کنترل، سیکلوسپورین داخل صفاقی با دوز mg/kg/day10 دریافت کرد و در گروه تحت درمان روزانه به محل پیوند ژل 5/0% سیکلوسپورین مالیده شد. سپس در روزهای 3 ،7 و 15 پس از پیوند از محل کاشت (پیوند) نمونه‌برداری انجام شد و آسیب‌شناسی بافتی انجام گرفت. داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون‌های آماری کروسکال والیس (kruskalwallis)و نرم‌افزار SPSS مورد واکاوی آماری قرار گرفت. در مشاهدات ریزبینی استفاده از ژل سیکلوسپورین موجب کاهش معنی دار 05/0p< میزان واسکولیت، فولیکولایتیس، التهاب درم و دژنره شدن اپیدرم در روزهای سوم و هفتم بعد از پیوند در مقایسه با گروه کنترل شد در حالیکه مانع از رد پیوند در روز پانزدهم پس از پیوند نگردید. به‌نظر می‌رسد استفاده از ژل سیکلوسپورین اثرات قابل قبولی بر روند پذیرش بافت پیوندی پوست دارد اگرچه استفاده از آن به تنهایی مانع از رد پیوند نمی‌شود. برای پذیرش موثرتر پیوند پوست می‌توان از ژل سیکلوسپورین به همراه سایر داروهای ایمنوسا پرسی و به صورت ترکیبی استفاده کرد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        3 - Fast Monitoring of the Phosphate Ions at Sub-mg L level with the Aim of Diamine-grafted MCM-41 Mesoporous silica and Ion Chromatography
        Leila Hajiaghababaei Sima Djam
        In this work, an innovative method is described for the preconcentration of phosphate ions using ethylenediamine functionalized mesopor (MCM-41). Functionalized MCM-41 was synthesized and the presence of organic groups in the silica framework was demonstrated by FTIR أکثر
        In this work, an innovative method is described for the preconcentration of phosphate ions using ethylenediamine functionalized mesopor (MCM-41). Functionalized MCM-41 was synthesized and the presence of organic groups in the silica framework was demonstrated by FTIR spectrum. The amount of organic groups immobilized on silica surface was determined by elemental analysis and TGA. The functionalized product showed the BET surface area 804 m2g-1, BJH pore diameter 3.28 nm and pore volume 0.27 cm3g-1, based on adsorption- desorption of N2at 77 K. The phosphate ions were identified by ion chromatography (IC). The enrichment factor of the proposed method was 100 and detection limit was found to be 0.3μg L-1 . The time of extraction, pH, the optimum amount of the sorbent and amount of sodium hydroxide solution for stripping were investigated. The maximum capacity the adsorbent was found to be 12.0 (±1.4) μg phosphate/mg diamine-grafted MCM-41. The method was applied successfully for the determination of trace amounts of phosphate ions in water samples. تفاصيل المقالة
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        4 - A Facile Strategy for Synthesis of Well-defined Polypropylenegrafted-polystyrene /MMT Nanocomposite Using Reversible Addition: Fragmentation Chain Transfer Polymerization and Solution Intercalated Method
        Saber Ghasemi Karaj-Abad Parisa Shamsno Mojtaba Abbasian Mehdi Hosseinzadeh Solmaz Esmaeily Shoja
        A simple and easy synthetic route for preparing PP-g-PSt/O-MMt nanocomposite was synthesized using a combination of ring-opening polymerization and reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization techniques. Firstly, MAH (maleic anhydride) was reac أکثر
        A simple and easy synthetic route for preparing PP-g-PSt/O-MMt nanocomposite was synthesized using a combination of ring-opening polymerization and reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer polymerization techniques. Firstly, MAH (maleic anhydride) was reacted with PP (polypropylene) followed by the opening of an anhydride ring with ethanolamine to obtain a hydroxyl group including polypropylene (iPP-OH). Secondly, the produced PP-OH was treated with 4-cyano-4-[(phenylcarbothioyl) sulfanyl] pentanoic acid to synthesize of PP-RAFT macroinitiator. Then, the styrene monomer was grafted onto PP using RAFT approach to produce a well-defined (PP-g-PSt) copolymer. Finally, Polymer/clay nanocomposite was synthesized through a solution intercalation method. The successful synthesis of all materials was proved using FT-IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The structural morphology and thermal properties of the grafted copolymer /O-MMT nanocomposite were examined using SEM, TGA, and DSC. This approach employed via the RAFT method is an easy and alternative strategy for synthesizing new materials. تفاصيل المقالة
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        5 - استفاده از پیوند در کنترل بیماری پوسیدگی ریشه و زوال بوته خربزه بر اثر قارچ Monosporascus cannonballus
        نسرین احمدی ابوالفضل سرپله داریوش شهریاری
        پوسیدگی ریشه و زوال بوته بر اثر قارچ Monosporascus cannonballus، از بیماری های مهم خربزه و طالبی به ویژه در مناطق گرم و خشک دنیا می باشد. در این بررسی، ابتدا توان بیماری زایی هشت جدایه M. cannonballusبر روی ژنوتیپ خربزه با نام محلی زرد گرمسار انجام شد. سپس جدایه 583 به أکثر
        پوسیدگی ریشه و زوال بوته بر اثر قارچ Monosporascus cannonballus، از بیماری های مهم خربزه و طالبی به ویژه در مناطق گرم و خشک دنیا می باشد. در این بررسی، ابتدا توان بیماری زایی هشت جدایه M. cannonballusبر روی ژنوتیپ خربزه با نام محلی زرد گرمسار انجام شد. سپس جدایه 583 به عنـوان بیماری زا ترین جـدایـه برای مایه‌ زنی بوته‌ های خربزه پیوند شده بر روی کدو مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. برای این منظور، پیوندک حاصل از خربزه زرد گرمسار روی پایه‌ های کدو ارقام T-1 و T-113 و نیز خربزه قصری مشهدی (به عنوان رقم مقاوم)، در شرایط گلخانه مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. پس از کشت پایه و پیوندک در گلدان های آلوده به جدایه 583، عمل پیوند زنی انجام شد. بوته‌ های پیوندی به مدت 10 روز جهت حفظ رطوبت در پوشش پلاستیکی قرار گرفتند. ارزیابی مقاومت پایه‌ ها به بیماری از طریق اندازه ‌گیری وزن ریشه و اندام های هوایی 45 روز پس از پیوند زنی انجام گرفت. پیوند خربزه زرد گرمسار بر روی پایه ‌های مذکور موفقیت آمیز بود. بین وزن ریشه تیمار‌ های مختلف اختلاف معنی‌ دار وجود داشت. پایه‌ های کدو و خربزه قصری بیش ترین وزن را در حضور یا عدم بیمارگر نشان دادند. این بررسی نشان داد که با استفاده از پیوند زدن ارقام حساس خربزه بر روی پایه‌ های مقاوم یا غیر میزبان می ‌توان بیماری پوسیدگی ریشه و زوال بوته را کنترل نمود. تفاصيل المقالة
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        6 - PVA and EDTA grafted superparamagnetic Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by constant current electrodeposition for biomedical applications
        Mustafa Aghazadeh Isa Karimzadeh Mohammad Reza Ganjali
        In this paper, a rapid and room temperature electrochemical method is introduced for preparation of Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles (Ni-IONs) grafted with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs samples were pre أکثر
        In this paper, a rapid and room temperature electrochemical method is introduced for preparation of Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles (Ni-IONs) grafted with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs samples were prepared through base electro-generation on the cathode surface from aqueous solution of iron(II) chloride, iron(III) nitrate and nickel chloride salts with EDTA/PVA additive. Uniform and narrow particle size Ni-IONs with an average diameter of 15 nm was achieved. Ni doping into the crystal structure of synthesized IONs and also surface grafting with EDTA/or PVA were established through FT-IR and EDAX analyses. The saturation magnetization values for the resulting EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs were found to be 38.03 emu/g and 33.45 emu/g, respectively, which proved their superparamagnetic nature in the presence of applied magnetic field. The FE-SEM observations, XRD and VSM data confirmed the suitable size, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the prepared samples for uses in biomedical aims تفاصيل المقالة
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        7 - PVA and EDTA grafted superparamagnetic Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by constant current electrodeposition for biomedical applications
        Mustafa Aghazadeh Isa Karimzadeh Mohammad Reza Ganjali
        In this paper, a rapid and room temperature electrochemical method is introduced in preparation of Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles (Ni-IONs) grafted with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs samples were prep أکثر
        In this paper, a rapid and room temperature electrochemical method is introduced in preparation of Ni doped iron oxide nanoparticles (Ni-IONs) grafted with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs samples were prepared through base electro-generation on the cathode surface from aqueous solution of iron(II) chloride, iron(III) nitrate and nickel chloride salts with EDTA/PVA additive. Uniform and narrow particle size Ni-IONs with an average diameter of 15 nm was achieved. Ni doping into the crystal structure of synthesized IONs and also surface grafting with EDTA/or PVA were established through FT-IR and EDAX analyses. The saturation magnetization values for the resulting EDTA/Ni-IONs and PVA/Ni-IONs were found to be 38.03 emu/g and 33.45 emu/g, respectively, which proved their superparamagnetic nature in the presence of applied magnetic field. The FE-SEM observations, XRD and VSM data confirmed the suitable size, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the prepared samples for uses in biomedical aims. تفاصيل المقالة
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        8 - مواد جایگزین شونده‌ی استخوانی
        احمد عریان سمیه منزه‌هرسینی
        سابقه و هدف، این مقاله به مرور پژوهش‌های مختلف در زمینه‌ی استفاده از ایمپلنت‌ها در نقایص استخوانی می‌پردازد. در این رابطه از روش‌های مختلفی استفاده شده است که می‌توان آنها را در 4 دسته قرار داد، پیوند اوتوگرافت، پیوند آلوگرافت، پیوند زنوگرافت و مهندسی بافت. در این خصوص أکثر
        سابقه و هدف، این مقاله به مرور پژوهش‌های مختلف در زمینه‌ی استفاده از ایمپلنت‌ها در نقایص استخوانی می‌پردازد. در این رابطه از روش‌های مختلفی استفاده شده است که می‌توان آنها را در 4 دسته قرار داد، پیوند اوتوگرافت، پیوند آلوگرافت، پیوند زنوگرافت و مهندسی بافت. در این خصوص اغلب از موادی استفاده می‌شود که خصوصیت القاء استخوانی داشته باشند که به آنها مواد استئواینداکتیو (osteoinductive) می‌گویند. همچنین از مواد استئوکنداکتیو (osteoconductive) استفاده می‌شود که به عنوان داربستی رشد آتی استخوان را هدایت می‌کند؛ از جمله تا کنون از موادی مانند کلاژن، آلژینات، کلسیم فسفات، کلسیم سولفات، مرجان، صدف، پلاکت، مغز استخوان آسپیره شده، هورمون‌های رشد، ماتریکس استخوانی دمینرالیزه شده، پروتئین مورفوژنیک استخوان و ... استفاده شده است. مواد و روش‌ها: این پژوهش به صورت کتابخانه‌ای و با مطالعه‌ی منابع مختلف انجام گرفته است. نتیجه‌گیری: برای به دست آوردن بهترین نتیجه در پیوند زدن مواد جایگزین شونده استخوانی بهتر است یک ماده-ی استئوکنداکتیو و یک ماده‌ی استئواینداکتیو به صورت هم‌زمان استفاده شود. تفاصيل المقالة
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        9 - Development of Graft Union Formation and Histological Observations in Cactus Influenced by Benzyladenine, Grafting Method and Rootstock
        Najme Kamalzade Seied Mehdi Miri Noushin Ghazijahani
        Attractive and colorful cultivars of cactus have been developed that are mainly propagated by grafting. The aim of this study was to determine histological events during graft union formation in Gymnocalycium cactus influenced by BA (Benzyladenine) application, grafting أکثر
        Attractive and colorful cultivars of cactus have been developed that are mainly propagated by grafting. The aim of this study was to determine histological events during graft union formation in Gymnocalycium cactus influenced by BA (Benzyladenine) application, grafting method and rootstock. The basal end of the scions and the top end of the rootstocks were first dipped into BA solution at concentrations of 0, 100 and 500 mg L-1 for 10 s, before being grafted on Lemaireocereus marginatus and Myrtillocactus geometrizans rootstocks using horizontal or wedge techniques. Longitudinal sections of the graft union were taken weekly to observe the developmental process of graft formation. The rootstocks did not have a significant effect on grafting success and scion growth, while horizontally grafted Gymnocalycium showed better grafting success rate. The grafting rate and scion growth were enhanced by application of BA compared with the control. The best results were obtained from treating the graft cut-surfaces of both scions and rootstocks with 100 mg L-1 BA. Histological observations showed that the graft union process involved development of a thin necrotic layer, callus formation at the graft interface, cambium differentiation and initiation of new vascular elements, developing the new vascular tissue, and connection of scion and rootstock vascular bundles. BA stimulated rapid proliferation of callus between the scion and rootstock as well as differentiation of vascular elements. We suggest the horizontal graft and application of BA (100 mg L-1) on the cut surfaces of both scion and rootstock as an easy and reliable method for successful graft union in Gymnocalycium cactus, which may have potential use in the commercial production of other cactus species as well. تفاصيل المقالة
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        10 - Propagation of Ficus benjamina var. Starlight by Stenting Technique under Different Concentration of IBA in Various Time of Taking Cutting
        Hamed Babaie Hossein Zarei Khodayar Hemmati
        Ficus benjamina L. is indoor plant in temperate areas that is a tree species belongs to Moraceae family. Propagation of this plant is down by vegetative method. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of IBA concentration and time of taking cutting on propagatio أکثر
        Ficus benjamina L. is indoor plant in temperate areas that is a tree species belongs to Moraceae family. Propagation of this plant is down by vegetative method. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of IBA concentration and time of taking cutting on propagation of Ficus benjamina via stenting technique in Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, in 2012. Treatments were consisted of auxin concentrations in four levels (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 mg/l) and the cutting time (late June and early September). The experiment was performed as factorial in a completely randomized design with four replications so that ten samples were used at each replication. Percentage of graft success, rooting percentage, root number, longest root length and root dry weight were evaluated. Based on the results, largest percentage of graft success obtained in all the treatments that the hormone was used (2000, 4000, 6000 mg/l) and lowest was achieved in the control treatment. Highest rooting percentage and maximum of root number were gained in 4000 mg/l and 6000 mg/l. Longest root length and maximum of root dry weight were recorded in cuttings treated with 4000 mg/l IBA. In treatment of cutting time, all traits were the highest in early September. The results showed that IBA and time taking cutting had a large impact on the success of graft and rooting. تفاصيل المقالة
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        11 - The Impacts of Medium and Benzyladenine on Micropropagation and Micrografting of the Main Commercial Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Cultivars
        Mohammad Tabeei Gholam Reza Sharifi-Sirchi Ebrahim Ganji Moghaddam Esmaeil Fallahi
        Micrografting can be used to produce healthy seedlings, assess scion-rootstock compatibility and promote precocity. The first objective of this project was to study the impacts of in vitro micropropagation of four major Iranian pistachio cultivars, namely ‘Ahmad A أکثر
        Micrografting can be used to produce healthy seedlings, assess scion-rootstock compatibility and promote precocity. The first objective of this project was to study the impacts of in vitro micropropagation of four major Iranian pistachio cultivars, namely ‘Ahmad Aghaei’, ‘Akbari’, ‘Badami Sefid’ and ‘Kalle Ghochi’ in two different medium Murashige and Skoog (MS) and Driver and Kuniyuki Walnut (DKW) at different concentrations of benzyl adenine (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg L-1). The second objective of this project was to examine the effects of ‘Badami-Riz-Zarand’ and ‘Akbari’ rootstocks and micro-scion size (less than 5 and between 5-10 mm) on micrografting of the pistachio cultivars. The results showed that explants of the Akbari cultivar had the highest survival rate of meristems establishment in the DKW medium with 1 mg L-1 benzyl adenine. In the proliferation stage, ‘Akbari’ showed the highest values ​​for proliferation rate, shoot number, shoot length and leaf number whereas, ‘Kalle Ghochi’ had the lowest values ​​for these traits. Moreover, no significant differences were observed between ‘Ahmad Aghaei’, ‘Akbari’ and ‘Badami Sefid’ plantlets in terms of quality during the growing season. The micrografting results on seedlings showed that the scion of the Badami Sefid cultivar with a 5-10 mm size on the ‘Badami-Riz-Zarand’ rootstock had the highest grafting success rate and the lowest cultivar; in contrast, was ‘Kalle Ghochi’ with a scion less than 5 mm on ‘Akbari’. تفاصيل المقالة
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        12 - Improving Growth and Performance of Young Almond Trees in Nursery by Optimizing Mineral Nutrition
        Masoud Shafiei Hossein Ali Asadi-Gharneh Soheil Karimi
        Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), أکثر
        Short growing season restricts production of standard-sized fruit trees in nurseries at cold regions. Enhancing plant growth by optimizing program of mineral nutrition may solve the problem. This study evaluated efficiency of fertilizers [urea, sulfur coated urea (SCU), or foliar applications of a NPK compound fertilizer] for optimizing the growth of seedling rootstocks and grafted young almond trees at the nursery in a cold region. At the end of the first growing season, the growth and quality of the almond seedlings were evaluated and they were budded in September. At the following season, the treatments were repeated on the grafted trees and grafting success and performance of the young almond trees were evaluated. The result showed that application of 600 kg ha-1 SCU and urea were the most successful treatments on enhancing the growth of the seedlings. Application of 400 and 600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU, and 30 kg ha-1 NPK resulted in the highest grafting success at the second season. The largest shoots of scion were found in the 400-600 kg ha-1 urea and SCU treatments. The highest leaf greenness and chlorophyll concentration were found in the 600 kg SCU ha-1 and 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatments. The highest leaf potassium and phosphorus concentrations were found in 30 kg ha-1 NPK treatment. The highest leaf nitrogen concentration was detected in treated plants with 400 and 600 kg SCU and 600 kg urea per hectare. According to the results, application of 400 kg ha-1 SCU is recommended to obtain young standard-sized almond plants in the nurseries. تفاصيل المقالة
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        13 - Top-working of Pecan Trees
        Fereidoon Ajam Gard
        This research was conducted to determine the most appropriate grafting method for pecan trees in Dezful between 2019- 2022. Two experiments were carried out based on a completely randomized design in the form of a split-plot in three replications with grafting time at e أکثر
        This research was conducted to determine the most appropriate grafting method for pecan trees in Dezful between 2019- 2022. Two experiments were carried out based on a completely randomized design in the form of a split-plot in three replications with grafting time at eight levels (from the second week of March to the first week of May) and three scion cultivars: ‘GraKing’. ‘Wichita’ and ‘Choctaw’. In the first experiment, fresh scions were used, and in the second experiment, the scions were prepared and kept at 4oC for one month. The results of the first experiment showed that the grafting success in the first week of March was significantly higher than other dates at the level of 1%. The grafting was not successful in the second week of March and the first week of May. In the second week of April, ‘Choctaw’ had the highest rate of grafting success with 94%. The effect of grafting date and scion cultivar was significant at the 5% probability level in the growth, and ‘Choctaw’ had the highest height and diameter in the first and second year. In the second experiment, the results showed that the grafting success was significantly highest in the first week of April and the grafting was not successful in the second and third weeks of March. Finally, the middle of April was recommended as the best time for pecan trees top-working in Dezful condition. تفاصيل المقالة
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        14 - A Simple Method to Improve Hazelnut Grafting
        A.R. Rahemi T. Taghavi A. Dale
        Hazelnuts are usually propagated by suckers or layering. However, other methods of propagation have been tested with variable results. Grafting is a method that has a few advantages such as fast multiplication rate, earlier fruiting and reducing sucker removal cost on s أکثر
        Hazelnuts are usually propagated by suckers or layering. However, other methods of propagation have been tested with variable results. Grafting is a method that has a few advantages such as fast multiplication rate, earlier fruiting and reducing sucker removal cost on specific rootstocks. Unfortunately, grafting is difficult due to slow formation of callus in hazelnuts. Here, we report the hypocotyl cleft graft as a simple method to increase the success rate of hazelnut grafting when the scion is coated with a thin layer of paraffin (wax). Two treatments, hypocotyls cleft grafting without paraffin and with paraffin, have been tested. Hazelnut variety Carmela (Corylus avellana) has been grafted on etiolated hypocotyls of native hazelnuts (C. americana). Uncoated scions had a 9% success rate, while the success rate increased nine times and was 85% when the scion was coated with a thin layer of paraffin right after grafting. This method is suggested for other nut trees such as Persian walnut, which are hard to graft. تفاصيل المقالة
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        15 - Optimizing Early Grafting of Persian Walnut by Evaluating Different Rootstocks, Covering Materials and Grafting Methods
        Ahmad Raufi Kourosh Vahdati Soheil Karimi Mahmoud Reza Roozban
        Grafting on epicotyl of young seedlings has been introduced as a simple and rapid method for walnut propagation. Although this technique improves the grafting success and propagation efficiency, it is technically more demanding than the conventional walnut grafting proc أکثر
        Grafting on epicotyl of young seedlings has been introduced as a simple and rapid method for walnut propagation. Although this technique improves the grafting success and propagation efficiency, it is technically more demanding than the conventional walnut grafting procedures and is yet to be optimized. This study was aimed to investigate the influence of rootstock type (dwarf and standard genotypes), graft union covering materials (perlite, sawdust, coco-peat and perlite at 1:1 ratio, and without cover - control) and different epicotyl grafting procedures (Gandev-Arnaudov and Frutos) on grafting success and performance of the grafted plants in order to optimize the walnut epicotyl grafting. Walnut seedlings were grown in a greenhouse. After four weeks, dormant shoots of walnut ‘Chandler’ were grafted to the epicotyl of young walnut seedlings. Grafting success and callusing quality were recorded 30 days after grafting. Growth parameters of the grafted plants, including number of nodes and length of internodes, height and diameter of scion, and survival of the grafted plants, were determined 150 days after grafting. Enhanced grafting success and performance of the grafted scions were obtained by following the Frutos’s procedure. Moreover, the highest grafting success (75.1%) and survival of the plants (91.7%) were obtained by using the dwarf rootstock and application of sawdust as graft union cover. In conclusion, performing walnut epicotyl grafting according to Frutos’s procedure by using dwarf genotypes as rootstock and covering the graft union with sawdust was suggested to obtain maximum propagation efficiency (68.7%). تفاصيل المقالة
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        16 - Effect of Budding Method, Rootstock Age and Cut below Budding Union on Budding Success in Persian Walnut
        F. Ghamari Hesabi Y. Sharafi S.J. Tabatabaei V. Grigurian
        Budding is a good method of propagation in the Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.)., However, success of budding is low due to higher root pressure as well as the presence of phenolic compounds in the xylem sap. This study was conducted to compare various budding methods أکثر
        Budding is a good method of propagation in the Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.)., However, success of budding is low due to higher root pressure as well as the presence of phenolic compounds in the xylem sap. This study was conducted to compare various budding methods and cut below budding union on two and three-year-old Persian walnut under field conditions. The experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized block design with three replications. The first factor of experiment was budding methods at three levels (T-budding, invert T-budding and patch budding). The second factor was rootstock age at two levels (two-year and three-year old rootstocks).The third factor was to make cuts in the rootstock below budding union at two levels (cut below budding and no cut below budding). The results showed that budding method and rootstock age have significant effect on early percentage of budding success. The highest percentage of budding success (100%) was observed in three-year-old rootstock with T and inverted T-budding as well as in two-year-old rootstock with patch budding and the least success were gained in inverted T-budding on two-year-old rootstocks (69%). The highest callus formation was observed in patch budding on two-year-old, which is not differed by cut below budding treatment. The least callus formation was observed in T-budding without cut on two-year old rootstock (38%). Budding methods have a significant effect on secondary success (survival) at 1%. Patch budding method with 69% survival compared to other methods had most secondary success. Generally, in this study, patch budding had more callus formation, primary and secondary success compared to other budding methods. تفاصيل المقالة
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        17 - Characterization and quantification of the cross-linking of linear low density polyethylene with silane grafting by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
        Elaheh Konoz Amir H. M. Sarrafi A. Feazbakhsh Elham Zamani
        The way of making cross-linkable polyethylene through silane grafting has gained much attention in recentyears because of its various advantages such as easy processing, low cost and capital investment andfavorable properties in the processed materials. This work deals أکثر
        The way of making cross-linkable polyethylene through silane grafting has gained much attention in recentyears because of its various advantages such as easy processing, low cost and capital investment andfavorable properties in the processed materials. This work deals with silane grafting and moisture crosslinkingof linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE). The grafting reaction was performed in an internalmixer using di-cumyl peroxide (DCP) as initiator and vinyl-trimethoxy silane (VTMOS) as grafting agent.Characterization and quantification of the grafting was performed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectroscopy. The cross-linking was done by subsequent immersion of grafted samples in hot water. Theeffect of silane and peroxide concentration was more considerable than time. The order of degradationtemperature was: cross-linked LLDPE then grafted LLDPE and at last LLDPE. تفاصيل المقالة
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        18 - Preconcentration of Zn(II) from Sample Water by Phenyl-iminodiacetic Acid Grafted Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
        A. Moghimi
        : phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes were prepared by grafted phenyl-iminodiacetic acid groups onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes via a diazotation reaction. The stability of chemically phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nan أکثر
        : phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes were prepared by grafted phenyl-iminodiacetic acid groups onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes via a diazotation reaction. The stability of chemically phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes in concentrated hydrochloric acid which was then used as a recycling and pre-concentration reagent for further uses of phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The application of this  phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes for sorption of a series of metal ions was performed by using different controlling factors such as the pH of metal ion solution and the equilibration shaking time by the static technique. Zn(II) was found to exhibit the highest affinity towards extraction by these  phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes phases. The pronounced selectivity was also confirmed from the determined distribution coefficient (Kd) of all the metal ions, showing the highest value reported for Zn(II) to occur by  phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes. The potential applications of  phenyl-iminodiacetic acid grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes for selective extraction of Zn(II) to occur from aqueous solution were successfully accomplished as well as pre- concentration of low concentration of Zn(II) (60 pg ml-1) from natural tap water with a pre-concentration factor of 100 for Zn(II) off-line analysis by flame atomic absorption analysis.  تفاصيل المقالة
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        19 - Modification of Casein by Grafting Phthalic Anhydride and Loaded with Different Drugs
        Faris Hamood Mohammed
        Ring-opening polymerization was used in this study to intelligent new novel drug natural polymer which has been prepared from grafted copolymerization of Casein with phthalic anhydride (A1)by using ring-opening polymerization. Then the prepared (A1)was bonded with diffe أکثر
        Ring-opening polymerization was used in this study to intelligent new novel drug natural polymer which has been prepared from grafted copolymerization of Casein with phthalic anhydride (A1)by using ring-opening polymerization. Then the prepared (A1)was bonded with different such as procaine, salbutamol, amoxicillin, and paracetamol through the ring opening of phthalic anhydride to produce a copolymer of casein –g-phthalic anhydride compound [A1] and reacted with SOCl2 in acetone. compound [A1] reaction with different drugs salbutamol, amoxicillin, paracetol, and procaine. Spectral evidence established the structure of synthesized compounds: UV-Visble, FT-IR, and 1HNMR, Thermo gravimetric analysis was carried out y TGA and DSC. The controlled drug release was studied by different pH values at 37°C. The sustained release was observed as pH-sensitive in specific sites with controlling release with suitable concentration. it was found high in basic medium about 90%. antibacterial activity against several bacterial strains i.e. gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtitles gram-negative bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. تفاصيل المقالة
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        20 - Preparation of Efficient Kit for the Semi-Quantitative Determination of Sarcosine as a cancer marker by Grafting Molecularly Imprinted-Stationary on Glass Plate
        Nahid Farhadgholami Hamid Hashemi-Moghaddam Masoud Shaabanzadeh Saeed Zavareh
        This paper presents a novel, rapid, and simple method for the determination of sarcosine. The surface of a glass plate was modified with 3-(methacryloxy)propyltrimethoxysilane. Then, a sarcosine-imprinted polymer was grafted on the glass plate by copolymerization of the أکثر
        This paper presents a novel, rapid, and simple method for the determination of sarcosine. The surface of a glass plate was modified with 3-(methacryloxy)propyltrimethoxysilane. Then, a sarcosine-imprinted polymer was grafted on the glass plate by copolymerization of the vinyl end groups with a functional monomer and a cross-linking agent. The synthesized polymers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In the subsequent step, the determination of sarcosine was conducted using the synthesized kit in optimized conditions. The synthesized grafted plate was able to absorb sarcosine selectively in the presence of other amino acids, showing that the proposed method enabled the rapid determination of sarcosine. تفاصيل المقالة
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        21 - بررسی زنده مانی گرافت تمام ضخامت پوست انسان و استفاده از آنتی‌بیوتیک جنتامایسین در این فرآیند در شرایط آزمایشگاهی
        مرجان محمدعلی علی غیاث الدین شیوا ایرانی محمد امیر امیرخانی مصطفی ده مرده ئی
        امروزه استفاده از گرافت‌های پوستی برای جایگزینی موقت پوست از دست رفته یا آسیب دیده در سراسر جهان انجام می‌شود. آلودگی‌های طبیعی می‌توانند روی پوست وجود داشته باشند و این آلودگی می تواند تهدیدی برای گیرندگان گرافت باشد. در این مطالعه، پس از دریافت نمونه گرافت پوست تمام ض أکثر
        امروزه استفاده از گرافت‌های پوستی برای جایگزینی موقت پوست از دست رفته یا آسیب دیده در سراسر جهان انجام می‌شود. آلودگی‌های طبیعی می‌توانند روی پوست وجود داشته باشند و این آلودگی می تواند تهدیدی برای گیرندگان گرافت باشد. در این مطالعه، پس از دریافت نمونه گرافت پوست تمام ضخامت انسان و کشت آن در شرایط آزمایشگاهی، از نظر زنده مانی سلولی و وجود آلودگی باکتریایی به مدت 72 ساعت مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. میزان آلودگی میکروبی در حضور و عدم حضور آنتی‌بیوتیک جنتامایسین با غلظت 02/0 درصد توسط روش‌های استاندارد مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. زنده مانی بالای سلول ها در طول مدت 72 ساعت در نمونه بافت پوستی نرمال توسط تست رنگ‌آمیزی آکریدین اورنج تایید شد. مشاهدات میکروسکوپ الکترونی، تصاویر رنگ آمیزی هماتوکسیلین-ائوزین و تری کروم ماسون تفاوت بین دو گروه مورد آزمایش را به وضوح نشان داد. کشت گرافت پوست در عدم حضور جنتامایسین بدلیل آلودگی با باکتری، لایه های درم و اپیدرم (به جز لایه شاخی) را از دست داد که در تصاویر بدست آمده قابل مشاهده است. در نهایت نتایج بدست آمده تاثیر میزان آلودگی میکروبی بالا بر پوست را که می تواند در اثر عوامل مختلف باشد به خوبی نشان می‌دهد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        22 - Evaluation of mechanical properties of bioglass materials for dentistry application
        Mohammad Hossein Malekipour Esfahani Negar Sharifinezhad Mehran Hemati Amir Mohammad Gholami
        Bioactive glass has been used successfully as a bone filler in dental surgery. Recently, attention has focused on researching the production of bioactive glass (BG) through sol-gel reactions. Among natural ceramics, BG has proper mechanical and chemical stability compar أکثر
        Bioactive glass has been used successfully as a bone filler in dental surgery. Recently, attention has focused on researching the production of bioactive glass (BG) through sol-gel reactions. Among natural ceramics, BG has proper mechanical and chemical stability compared to conventional ceramics. These materials have certain biological and chemical properties such as proper biocompatibility and biodegradability. one of the strengths is its biocompatibility and biodegradability and lack of immune response besides its proper mechanical properties of about 500 MPa which has about the maximum of 180 MPa mechanical strength. The BG bio-ceramic is primarily used to repair bone and tooth damage or defects that can be reproduced by natural processes. The first successful surgery used in 45S5 bioglass was to replace the middle ear bones to solve the auditory conduction problem. Also, the microscopic analysis of pulp cells with 45S5 bio-glass produced shows the least toxic effect. Bioglass 45S5 can act as a biocompatible material that could potentially be used safely on dentin. تفاصيل المقالة
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        23 - Study on the Effect of Process and Materials on Tensile Strength of the WGRT and Polypropylene Injection Molded Parts
        مهدی بزرگی طاهر ازدست عبدالمحمد رضاوند
        This study experimentally investigates the effect of processing parameters on mechanical properties of injection molded copolymer. This paper presents an experimental study on the effects of processing parameters including melt temperature, injection pressure and amount أکثر
        This study experimentally investigates the effect of processing parameters on mechanical properties of injection molded copolymer. This paper presents an experimental study on the effects of processing parameters including melt temperature, injection pressure and amount preliminary materials on tensile strength of injection molded copolymer PP-WGRT. Polypropylene (PP - supplied by T.P.C of Iran) was used as thermoplastic material. Semi-crystalline material, Maleic anhydride-grafted (MA-g) used as agent cross-linked. Also, melt temperature was changed between 180 to 220 (˚C) and injection pressure was changed between 400 to 800 Bars. The tensile properties of produced parts were measured according to ASTM D 638 – 02. Results showed that tensile strength of copolymer decreases if the amount of WGRT increases. Also, the tensile strength increases by increasing the melting temperature and injection pressure. تفاصيل المقالة
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        24 - مطالعه رادیوگرافی اثر نانو ماده poly(ε-caprolactone)/Gelatin/Gehlenite در روند التیام نقیصه استخوانی با اندازه بحرانی در بز مرخز
        فواد سعدی رسول رحیم زاده
        هدف اصلی در ترمیم شکستگی های استخوان درشت نی ایجاد ساختار یکپارچه استخوانی و مطالعه اثر این پلی ماده نانو در روند ترمیم استخوان می باشد. در این تحقیق تعداد 10 بز مرخز بالغ به دو گروه تقسیم شدند و قسمت میانی بدنه درشت نی سمت راست برای ایجاد نقیصه به اندازه 30 میلی متر در أکثر
        هدف اصلی در ترمیم شکستگی های استخوان درشت نی ایجاد ساختار یکپارچه استخوانی و مطالعه اثر این پلی ماده نانو در روند ترمیم استخوان می باشد. در این تحقیق تعداد 10 بز مرخز بالغ به دو گروه تقسیم شدند و قسمت میانی بدنه درشت نی سمت راست برای ایجاد نقیصه به اندازه 30 میلی متر در نظر گرفته شد، در هر دو گروه محل نقیصه توسط پیچ و پلاک تثبیت شد و پلی ماده نانو poly(ε-caprolactone)/Gelatin/Gehlenite برای پر کردن شکاف پس از تثبیت شکستگی در مورد گروه دوم مورد استفاده قرار گرفت؛ سپس در روزهای 0، 15 ،30 و60 حیوانات هم در گروه آزمایش و هم در گروه کنترل تحت بررسی‌های رادیوگرافی قرار گرفتند. پارامترهای بدست آمده از این نتایج که بر اساس سیستم درجه بندی لین و سندهو بسته به مقدار کالوس بوجود آمده و مقدار فضایی از نقیصه که توسط کالوس پر شده بود، معدنی شدن و بازسازی مورد مقایسه قرار گرفته بودند، پس از تجزیه و تحلیل آماری نشان دادند که اختلاف آماری معنی داری بین دو گروه وجود داشت (P < 0.05)؛ این تائید کننده شکل گیری سریعتر استخوان در گروه آزمایش نسبت به گروه کنترل و قابلیت بیشتر poly(ε-caprolactone)/Gelatin/Gehlenite دربازسازی بافت استخوانی درشت نی است. تفاصيل المقالة