• فهرس المقالات figurative language

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - تطبیق صور خیال در اشعار جان دان و صائب
        ناصر ملکی مجید فرهیان مریم نویدی
        اشعار سبک هندی به سبب عناصر خیال‌انگیز و ایماژ‌پردازی‌های آن، در خور تأمّل شناخته شده است؛ و از لحاظ تبیین کلام، سروده‌های این سبک به اشعار متافیزیکی شاعران قرن هفدهم انگلیس می‌ماند. این نوع شعر از ایجاز، دقت و معنای خاصی برخوردار است و در عین اختصار سرشار از معانی بدیع أکثر
        اشعار سبک هندی به سبب عناصر خیال‌انگیز و ایماژ‌پردازی‌های آن، در خور تأمّل شناخته شده است؛ و از لحاظ تبیین کلام، سروده‌های این سبک به اشعار متافیزیکی شاعران قرن هفدهم انگلیس می‌ماند. این نوع شعر از ایجاز، دقت و معنای خاصی برخوردار است و در عین اختصار سرشار از معانی بدیع و عمیق می‌باشد. در این گفتار پاره‌ای از اشعار جان دان و صائب تبریزی مورد مقایسه قرار می‌گیرد، و به نمونه‌های برجسته‌ای از ویژگی‌های سبکی آن‌ها می‌پردازد. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - خوانش زبان صناعی «نی نامه» مثنوی مولوی بر مبنای الگوی «قرائت تنگاتنگ» سلینا کوش
        عبدالحمید امانی عبّاس محمدیان مهیار علوی مقدم احمد خواجه ایم
        هدف این پژوهش، خوانش زبان صناعی نی نامه مثنوی مولوی بر مبنای الگوی قرائت تنگاتنگ سلینا کوش است. رویکردی که افزون بر تفسیر جزئیات زبانی و روابط متقابل آن ها، تحلیل متغیّرهای دیگری همچون بافتار، بینامتنیت، روایت و ژانر متن را نیز ضروری می شمارد. این مقاله، به شیوۀ توصیف أکثر
        هدف این پژوهش، خوانش زبان صناعی نی نامه مثنوی مولوی بر مبنای الگوی قرائت تنگاتنگ سلینا کوش است. رویکردی که افزون بر تفسیر جزئیات زبانی و روابط متقابل آن ها، تحلیل متغیّرهای دیگری همچون بافتار، بینامتنیت، روایت و ژانر متن را نیز ضروری می شمارد. این مقاله، به شیوۀ توصیفی- تحلیلی می کوشد به این پرسش‌ها پاسخ دهد که راهبرد شاعر در به کارگیری زبان صناعی در نی نامه مثنوی چیست؟ و کارکرد هریک از صناعات در تحقّق اهداف این متن و انسجام کلّی آن چگونه است؟ نتایج نشان می دهد که صناعات به کار رفته در نی نامه طی یک فرایند منسجم، در دو گروه کلّی جای می گیرند:1) مرتبط با بشنو؛ 2) مرتبط با نی. گروه نخست با افزایش موسیقی کلام، مخاطب را به شنیدن ترغیب می کند؛ اصل وحدت در کثرت و فناپذیری جهان اضداد را به نمایش می گذارد و گروه دوم، جلوه هایی از از خودتهی‌شدن، هرولۀ روح آدمی برای رهایی از قفس تن، مجازی بودن دنیای ما، غیر قابل درک بودن عشق و غیره را. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - بحثی درباره‌ی کتاب «دلائل الاعجاز فی علم المعانی» از عبدالقاهر جرجانی (م.417 هـ.ق)
        علوی مقدم
        کتاب دلائل الإعجاز فی علم المعانی از جرجانی امامِ بلاغت است. ظاهراً در این کتاب باید مسائل مربوط به فنّ معانی بحث شود، ‌ولی چنین نیست بَلْ در این کتاب از: کنایه، استعاره،‌ تمثیل، تشبیه و مجاز هم بحث شده؛ همان طوری که در کتاب دیگر عبدالقاهر به نام اسرار البلاغة فی علم ال أکثر
        کتاب دلائل الإعجاز فی علم المعانی از جرجانی امامِ بلاغت است. ظاهراً در این کتاب باید مسائل مربوط به فنّ معانی بحث شود، ‌ولی چنین نیست بَلْ در این کتاب از: کنایه، استعاره،‌ تمثیل، تشبیه و مجاز هم بحث شده؛ همان طوری که در کتاب دیگر عبدالقاهر به نام اسرار البلاغة فی علم البیان از مباحث‌ِ مربوطِ به علمِ معانی مانند: تقدیم،‌تأخیر، حذف، فصل، وصل، التفات، ایجاز و اِطناب هم سخن گفته شده است. یا مثلاً در کتاب البدیع ابن معتز، تنها مَباحثِ علم بدیع مورد بحث قرار نگرفته بل از استعاره، التفات هم بحث شده است. علّت چیست؟ علّت آن است که تقسیم‌بندی علوم بلاغی به سه قسم معانی، بیان و بدیع از ابتکاراتِ سکاکی (م. 626 هـ) و بدرالدّین ابن مالک است در کتاب المصباح ... در این گفتار، گفته شده که مفهوم بیان، بدیع و معانی، نزد متقدّمان، نه آن چیزی است که امروزه به کار می‌رود. یا مثلاً کلمه‌ی مَجاز در نظر ابوعُبیده مَعْمَربن مُثنّی (م. 210 یا 211 هـ) در کتابِ مَجاز القرآن نه مجازِ قسیم الحقیقة است بَلْ در نظرِ او مجاز به مَعنایِ تفسیر است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - Impact of L2 Film Instruction and English Idiom Etymology on Iranian EFL learners’ Idiom Learning
        Firooz Reisi Gahroei Omid Tabatabaei
        By the emergence of new approaches to teach a second language, finding a good method to teach idioms has been the main concern of some researchers (e.g., Elena & Moreno, 2001 Cook, Fazly, & Stevenson, 2007). To the researcher›s best knowledge few studies أکثر
        By the emergence of new approaches to teach a second language, finding a good method to teach idioms has been the main concern of some researchers (e.g., Elena & Moreno, 2001 Cook, Fazly, & Stevenson, 2007). To the researcher›s best knowledge few studies have been conducted to examine the effect of different methods of teaching idioms to EFL learners. As a result, this study was designed to investigate the effect of teaching the etymology of idioms and using movie clips containing idioms, as two methods of teaching, on the quality of L2 learners› idiom learning. Serving this purpose, teaching idioms through their etymologies and movie clips and also learners› attitudes toward s using such methods (through using questionnaires) were taken into consideration. After administering a standard language proficiency test (OPT), 90 intermediate, out of a pile of 154 L2 learners, were selected and assigned to three groups randomly, two experimental (one etymology and one movie clip group) and one control group. All the groups were given two idiom multiple-choice tests, one as the pre-test and the other one as the post-test. In one experimental group (A), idioms were taught together with their etymologies and in the other experimental group (B), the same idioms were taught by displaying movie clips containing the idioms, while the control group (C) followed the traditional class activities using synonyms and antonyms. The results of one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests revealed that the participants in etymology and movie clip groups had better performance in post-test than in pretest. Moreover, the results of Chi-square revealed that, on the whole, L2 learners had positive attitudes towards using etymology and movie clips in idiom learning. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Analyzing the Main EFL Learners' Writing Problems with Focus on Figurative Language: Metaphor and Metonymy Instruction
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karim Amir Marzban
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-metho أکثر
        This study was an endeavor to explore the main sources of EFL learners' writing problems through dialogic interactions. It also investigated the effect of metaphor and metonymy on EFL learners' writing achievement. To achieve this end, the researcher adopted mixed-method research with a sample of intermediate language students from both genders. In the qualitative section, 20 EFL learners were selected through purposive sampling, and in the quantitative section, 120 language students were selected through convenience sampling from a university in Gorgan. Data were gathered through Quick Oxford Placement Test (OPT), writing tests, and a semi-structured interview. After recording and transcribing the interviews, the transcripts of the interviews were formatted using the software NVIVO 11 Pro®. With the help of this software, the textual data were reduced into some statements which could reflect the main ideas of the participants’ lived experiences without any intervention from the researcher. However, the data of the tests were inserted into SPSS software and the ANCOVA test was run to indicate differences between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement. The main results suggested that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations’ writing achievement. As well as that, findings from the analysis of data revealed the four main sources of writing problems as linguistic, personal, epistemological, and ecological. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - A Stylistic Approach to Translation: Figurative language devices in the Persian renderings of Alcott's Little Women
        Farahnaz Safaei Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi
        The present study aimed firstly at investigating the impact of translators' style on figurative language translation from English into Persian. Secondly, it intended to find which strategies were most frequently adopted by Persian translators to translate figures of spe أکثر
        The present study aimed firstly at investigating the impact of translators' style on figurative language translation from English into Persian. Secondly, it intended to find which strategies were most frequently adopted by Persian translators to translate figures of speech into Persian. Lastly, the study sought to check the extent of transference of figurative features of literary texts in English-Persian renderings. To achieve these purposes, the English novel, Little Women by Alcott (1880) and its three Persian translations by Raiszadeh (1997), Akhavan (1996), and Morvarid (2000) were used as the materials of the study. The original novel, along with its three selected translations, were first studied carefully by the researchers and about fifty percent of the novel was chosen to be analyzed in terms of figures of speech, which are part of stylistic features of any literary text. Then, the figures of speech in the stated sample, besides the Persian equivalents of each of them used by the three translators, were identified. Finally, a hybrid model incorporating 5 strategies retrieved from Newmrak's (1988) and Baker's (1992) models of translating figurative language was utilized to examine the identified tropes and determine the type and number of strategies employed by any individual translator. The obtained results revealed that figurative language devices were translated from the source into the target language through a variety of strategies, which can be indicative of the translator’s stylistic tendencies. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - Using Metaphor and Metonymy in Writing Classes through Dialogic Interaction
        Nasrin Jenabagha Shaban Najafi Karimi امیر Marzban
        Regarding the significance of writing in English language learning and the importance of figurative language in writing, the present paper sought to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interac أکثر
        Regarding the significance of writing in English language learning and the importance of figurative language in writing, the present paper sought to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 female intermediate learners from a university in Gorgan, Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. The participants were divided into three groups each one consisting of 20 learners. The Quick Oxford Placement Test and Writing Test developed by the authors of the current study were used to collect data. First, the data normality of the K-S test was run. Second, an ANOVA was run to see whether there would be any difference between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement at the pretest level. Then the same ANOVA was run between the posttests of these three groups. This study showed that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations’ writing. The present research suggests the practice of more dialogical interactions and calls for using group work and figurative language in writing training programs. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - The Impact of Using Figurative Speech (Metaphor & Metonymy) through Dialogic Interaction on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance
        Nasrin Jenabagha Ali Najafi امیر مرزبان
        Regarding the significance of writing in today’s English learning and figurative language, the present paper seeks to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 fema أکثر
        Regarding the significance of writing in today’s English learning and figurative language, the present paper seeks to determine whether using metaphoric language can have any positive effects on writing improvement through dialogic interactions. A total of 60 female students at intermediate proficiency level from a university in Gorgan, Iran, were selected through convenience sampling. The participants were divided into three groups each one consisting of 20 learners. Quick Oxford Placement Test and Writing Test developed by the current study authors were used to collect data. First, the data normality of K-S test was run. Second, an ANOVA was run to see whether there would be any difference between the three groups in terms of their writing improvement in the pre-test. Then the same ANOVA was run between the post-tests of these three groups. This study showed that metaphor and metonymy through dialogic interactions had significant effects on the participations’ writing. All in all, as pedagogical implications, the present research addresses EFL teachers to practice more dialogical interactions and calls for using group work and figurative language in writing training programs which have not been employed in foreign language courses. تفاصيل المقالة