• فهرس المقالات agricultural production

      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        1 - جنسیت و توسعه: نگاهی به تحولات جمعیت شناختی مناطق روستایی کشور
        سهیلا علیرضا نژاد فروغ السادات بنی هاشم
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        2 - بررسى موانع مشارکت زنان روستایى در فعالی تهاى تولیدى زراعى
        سیده سمیه موسوی احمدرضا عمانی محمد صادق اللهیاری
        هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی موانع مشارکت زنان روستایی در فعالیت های تولیدی زراعی می شود. تعداد نمونه آماری 288 نفر می باشد که به صورت دردسترس انتخاب شد. همچنین این تحقیق از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی و به روش توصیفی بوده و بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده زنان روستایی از بعد ویژگی های اجتما أکثر
        هدف تحقیق حاضر بررسی موانع مشارکت زنان روستایی در فعالیت های تولیدی زراعی می شود. تعداد نمونه آماری 288 نفر می باشد که به صورت دردسترس انتخاب شد. همچنین این تحقیق از نوع تحقیقات کاربردی و به روش توصیفی بوده و بر اساس نتایج به دست آمده زنان روستایی از بعد ویژگی های اجتماعی (مشارکت اجتماعی و منزلت اجتماعی) در سطح متوسطی قرار دارند. در عین حال با استفاده از تکنیک تحلیل عاملی، عامل های مؤثر بر عدم مشارکت زنان روستایی در فعالیت های تولیدی زراعی مشخص گردید. مقدار آزمون بارتلت 876/3848 و آزمون (09/0= KMO) نشان داد که داد ها برای تحلیل عاملی مناسب است و بر اساس نتایج حاصل مشخص شد که پنج عامل به طور کل 511/51 درصد از موانع و مشکلات زنان روستایی که باعث عدم مشارکت آنان در فعالیت های تولیدی زراعی می شود را بیان می نماید. عامل ها به ترتیب شامل ساختار اجتماعی، ساختار فرهنگی، موانع اقتصادی، موانع آموزشی و ساختار اراضی زراعی می باشند. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        3 - Factor analysis of factors affecting the success of the performance of board members of rural, manufacturing, and agricultural cooperatives (Idmo city)
        Mahmoud M. Al-Hamouli Heba S. Yassen Faiza A. Mohamed
        Thestudy aimswere to investigate the factors affecting the causes of the success of the social and economic performance of board members of rural cooperatives and production and agriculture inthe Idmocity by the descriptive-correlation method. The statistical population أکثر
        Thestudy aimswere to investigate the factors affecting the causes of the success of the social and economic performance of board members of rural cooperatives and production and agriculture inthe Idmocity by the descriptive-correlation method. The statistical population of the study includes all rural cooperatives in this city (18 cooperatives with 86 CEOs). A questionnaire was used to collect information. The obtained results show that in four steps, the variables“economic factors, socio-cultural factors, managerial factors, personality factors”were entered into the equation, respectively. In total, the value of the multiplecorrelationscoefficients (R) was equal to 0.708 and the coefficient of determination was equal to 0.501, which indicates that 50% of the changes of the dependent variableisexplained by the changes of the named independent variables. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        4 - اولویت‌بندی و ارزیابی معیارهای موثر بر پایداری روستایی با تاکید بر تولیدات کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای استان قزوین)
        وحید بیگدلی راد شهرام ملکی
        بخش تولیدات کشاورزی علاوه بر اینکه منبع تامین منابع مالی و معیشتی روستاییان است، در تامین تولیدات استراتژیک کشور بیشترین تاثیر را دارد؛ لذا به منظور حفظ و توسعه این بخش نیاز به پایداری مناطق روستایی بر اساس یک رویکرد مناسب است. بر همین اساس، در پژوهش حاضر با بهره گیری ا أکثر
        بخش تولیدات کشاورزی علاوه بر اینکه منبع تامین منابع مالی و معیشتی روستاییان است، در تامین تولیدات استراتژیک کشور بیشترین تاثیر را دارد؛ لذا به منظور حفظ و توسعه این بخش نیاز به پایداری مناطق روستایی بر اساس یک رویکرد مناسب است. بر همین اساس، در پژوهش حاضر با بهره گیری از منابع کتابخانه ای و نظرات کارشناسان امور روستایی، معیارهایی با رویکرد پشتیبانی ها و مانع زدایی ها از تولیدات کشاورزی، شناسایی و سپس با استفاده از روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی و نرم افزار Expert Choice، نسبت به ارزیابی و اولویت بندی آن ها اقدام گردید. نتایج نشان داد، معیار پشتیبانی از اولویت بالاتری نسبت به معیار مانع زدایی از تولید، برخوردار است. همچنین در بین زیرمعیارهای پشتیبانی از تولید، پرداخت به موقع وجه محصولات با 4/16 درصد و در بین زیرمعیارهای مانع زدایی از تولید، واسطه گری در زنجیره فروش با 7/18 درصد دارای اولویت مهمتری بوده اند. در ادامه، روستاهای شهرستان البرز از نظر مولفه های پشتیبانی از تولید، با 2/20 درصد از وضعیت مطلوب برخوردار بوده است. همچنین در سنجش وضعیت رفع موانع تولید، روستاهای شهرستان قزوین با وزن 7/19 درصد وضعیت بهتری دارا بوده اند. در مقابل، روستاهای شهرستان آوج در هر دو معیار، کمترین برخورداری را به خود اختصاص داده است. در پایان، بررسی نتایج نشان از لزوم توجه هر چه بیشتر به پشتیبانی و رفع موانع از تولیدات کشاورزی در شهرستان آوج داشته است. دلیل عمده آن نیز قرارگیری این شهرستان در منطقه کمتر توسعه یافته استان قزوین به خصوص از نظر سهولت دسترسی به مناطق مرکزی استان است. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        5 - Smallholder Farmers' Access and Use of Scientific Climatic Forecast Information in Mt. Elgon Region, Eastern Uganda
        Narisi Mubangizi Florence Kyazze Paul Mukwaya
        Proper use of climatic forecast information in planning and implementing agricultural activities is critical for the improvement of the wellbeing of smallholder farmers whose livelihoods depend on rain-fed agriculture. This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional d أکثر
        Proper use of climatic forecast information in planning and implementing agricultural activities is critical for the improvement of the wellbeing of smallholder farmers whose livelihoods depend on rain-fed agriculture. This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design involving 12 focus group discussions and 255 household interviews to determine the extent to which smallholder farmers in Mount Elgon Region of Eastern Uganda accessed and used climate forecast information. Results showed that 84% of the farmers had received scientific climate information especially on timing of onset and cessation of rainfall and likelihood of landslides. The information was mainly accessed through radio and rarely from extension workers and fellow farmers. Over 60% of farmers considered the different types of climatic forecast information received to be less reliable and inappropriately timed relative to their needs and this barred most of them from applying it in their agricultural production decisions. The likelihood to use climate forecast information was enhanced by farmers' formal education, ownership of a radio set, perception that the information was reliable and timely. Thus efforts to enhance farmers’ use of rainfall forecast information customize it to the needs of the targeted farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        6 - Assessment of Youth Involvement in Agricultural Production: The Case of Sabon-Gari Local Government Area of Kaduna State, Nigeria
        Issa F. O. Obioma O. D. Sallau R.
        This study assessed of youth involvement in agricultural production in Sabon Gari Local Government Area. The data used for this study were collected using interview schedule administered to 112 respondents who were selected through multi-stage sampling procedure. Descri أکثر
        This study assessed of youth involvement in agricultural production in Sabon Gari Local Government Area. The data used for this study were collected using interview schedule administered to 112 respondents who were selected through multi-stage sampling procedure. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages and means were used to analyze the data. The result revealed that majority (95.5%) of the respondents were males; between 26–30 years of age (33.9%), had formal education (46.4%), married (66.0%); had household size of 1–5 (54.4%); had farm size of 1–2 ha for crops (57.2%), and had a hard size of 1-6 cattle (85.7%). Also, the study also revealed that 69.6% of the respondents were involved in crop production with about (1-5 tonnes) output of major grains. Furthermore, constraints limiting youth involvement in agricultural production were identified as inadequate capital (M=3.8); inadequate modern implements (M=3.7); difficulty in accessing loan (M=3.7); and inadequate extension services (M=3.6). The study recorded effective involvement of youth in agricultural production (79.4%). The study recommends that the youth should form themselves into functional cooperatives so that they can mobilize funds for their farming activities. Furthermore, more extension workers should be employed to enhance extension services delivery especially in fisheries in the study area. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        7 - Effective Factors on the Participation of Mazandaran Province Rural Women in Rice Cultivation
        سعید فعلی نهاوند امیر احمدپور
        The purpose of this study was to identify factors which affect rural women's participation in rice cultivation (RWPRC) in Mazandaran Province, Iran. The population of this research consisted of all rural women in Mazandaran Province, Iran. By using a multi-stage random أکثر
        The purpose of this study was to identify factors which affect rural women's participation in rice cultivation (RWPRC) in Mazandaran Province, Iran. The population of this research consisted of all rural women in Mazandaran Province, Iran. By using a multi-stage random sampling, 300 rural women were selected as statistical sample. The research instrument was a structured questionnaire including some close-ended questions whose validity and reliability were confirmed by a panel of expert and through a Cranach’s alpha test (α= 0.86), respectively. The descriptive results indicated that RWPRC was close to a moderate level. Furthermore, it was shown that the main reasons for rural women's participating in rice cultivation were helping family economy, obtaining extra income, and gaining production surplus, in the order of importance. In addition, these results illustrated the highest RWPRCs were in selecting seed, transplanting and Preparing pre-germinated seedling storage, respectively. Moreover, the findings showed significant relationships between RWPRC and some of its individual and professional characteristics. Finally, the results of the multivariate regression analysis revealed that 42.9 % of variability in RWPRC stems from household income, family size, and land size under rice cultivation. Finally, it is recommended for extension organizations to give attention to the role of gender in agriculture for better extension planning. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        8 - The Relationship between Extension Educational and Psychological Factors and Participation of Agricultural Co-operatives' Members (Case of Shirvan Chardavol County, Ilam, Iran)
        محمد باقر آرایش
        The forty-year history of agricultural production co-operatives in Iran shows that this type of exploitation system has faced with many challenges during this period. First, despite the help and support by the government, the co-operative sector has not been able to pla أکثر
        The forty-year history of agricultural production co-operatives in Iran shows that this type of exploitation system has faced with many challenges during this period. First, despite the help and support by the government, the co-operative sector has not been able to play a major role in the development of the country, and its share has not exceeded 3% of the development program. The Purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between extension educational, psychological factors and the participation of members of agricultural co-operative in the Ilam Province. A researcher made a questionnaire that was used as the main tool for gathering data. The face and content validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by a group of university professors as well as several experts of the co-operatives. In addition, the reliability of the questionnaire was ensured through calculating a Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α = 0.80). The statistical population of the study comprised 751 active members of Shirvan-Chardavol township’s agricultural cooperatives, from among whom 260 particionats were selected for the study using the stratified proportional random sampling method and with the aid of Morgan table. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS software. The correlation coefficient showed that there was a significant relationship between the extension educational, psychological features and level of participation of members of agricultural co-operative. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        9 - Production Efficiency of Farmers under National Fadama II Project in Oyo State, Nigeria
        O.L Balogun A. Adeoye S.A Yusuf R.J Akinlade A. Carim-Sanni
        The study examines production efficiency of farmers under National Fadama-II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Primary data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling technique. The analytical framework used for the study include: descr أکثر
        The study examines production efficiency of farmers under National Fadama-II Project in Oyo State Nigeria. Primary data were collected from two hundred and sixty-four farmers using multistage sampling technique. The analytical framework used for the study include: descriptive, infrastructure index, gross margin and stochastic frontier production function. Average infrastructural index in the area was 0.42. The gross margin for IDV was ₦445, 968.30 while for IUV for under-developed in Fadama villages is ₦357, 805.00. Gross margin was higher for Fadama II farmers than non Fadama-II farmers in IDV. The mean technical efficiency was 0.69 and 0.59 for Fadama and non-Fadama farmers respectively. The result showed that technical inefficiency of female Fadama-II farmers reduced by 0.19% while that of non-Fadama II farmers by 1.23%. Similarly, extension contact, marital status and infrastructural status reduced technical inefficiency of Fadama-II farmers by 2.8%, 0.3% and 2.6% respectively. Presence of infrastructure of Fadama-II project has imparted on efficiency of resource use among the beneficiary. There is therefore need to improve on Community Driven Development programme like Fadama-II and on coming Fadama-III project or any developmental project, so as to further impart more technical and economic knowledge to farmers. تفاصيل المقالة
      • حرية الوصول المقاله

        10 - Factors Affecting Farmers' Satisfaction: Case of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in Guilan Province, Iran
        محمد طالقانی مهران مهدی زاده
        The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize factors affecting farmers’ level of satisfaction in agricultural production cooperatives ofGuilan Province, Iran. To this aim, library studies were conducted, and 15 factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction أکثر
        The aim of this study was to identify and prioritize factors affecting farmers’ level of satisfaction in agricultural production cooperatives ofGuilan Province, Iran. To this aim, library studies were conducted, and 15 factors affecting farmers’ satisfaction were identified. Next, they wereprioritized byfield studies using a questionnaire. The statistical population consisted of members of agricultural production cooperatives in Guilan Province. The sample comprised93 farmers who were recruitedusing the Cochran formula. The questionnaires were distributed among farmersfrom12 cooperatives usinga mix of random and proportional sampling methods and 100 questionnaires were collected. The content validity of the questionnaire was established and its reliability was estimated to be 79 percent using a Cronbach's alpha. To prioritize the factors, the researchers calculated means cores by using SPSS. Results indicated that empathy and cooperation among members, giving advice and guidance to members in case of problems, as well as effective communication with the local community are, respectively, the three factors that have the strongest effect on farmers' satisfaction in the studied region. In addition, the results showed that satisfaction of the majority of the members of cooperative activities was at a moderate level. تفاصيل المقالة