• فهرس المقالات Communicative language teaching

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        1 - New Perspective in PROSPECT: An Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses of Iranian Second Year Junior High School English Textbooks
        Narges Sardabi Mansour Koosha
        Textbook design and evaluation has recently turned into a very important area in English Language Teaching. This paper evaluates the English textbooks taught in Iranian Junior high schools: Right Path to English which was the medium of instruction until 2013 and the rec أکثر
        Textbook design and evaluation has recently turned into a very important area in English Language Teaching. This paper evaluates the English textbooks taught in Iranian Junior high schools: Right Path to English which was the medium of instruction until 2013 and the recently designed textbook-Prospect- which replaced it. For this purpose, Tucker’s (1975) textbook evaluation model was employed to conduct the research. The advantages and shortcomings of the textbooks are discussed in detail with reference to three major criteria extracted from this model. The results indicate that even though Prospect does not cover up some of the inadequacies and deficiencies of RPE, the development of a textbook based on Communicative Language Teaching syllabus is, to a great extent, a step forward towards constructing an up-to-date series for teaching English in Iranian schools. Results of this study have implications both for teaching and materials development. تفاصيل المقالة
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        2 - تحلیل محتوای دروس منتخب کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی دورۀ متوسطه اول مدارس ایران (Prospects) با استفاده از فرایندهای چهارگانه‌ی مدل یادگیری زایشی
        فرزانه دهقان
        هدف تحقیق حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی مقطع متوسطه اول مدارس ایران با عنوان Prospectبر اساس فرایندهای چهارگانۀ نظریۀ یادگیری زایشی (یادگیری، زایش، خلق معنا، انگیزش) است. بدین منظور، بر اساس این چهار فرایند اصلی چک لیستی تهیه گردید. چهار متخصص آموزش زبان و أکثر
        هدف تحقیق حاضر، تحلیل محتوای کتاب‌های زبان انگلیسی مقطع متوسطه اول مدارس ایران با عنوان Prospectبر اساس فرایندهای چهارگانۀ نظریۀ یادگیری زایشی (یادگیری، زایش، خلق معنا، انگیزش) است. بدین منظور، بر اساس این چهار فرایند اصلی چک لیستی تهیه گردید. چهار متخصص آموزش زبان و 21 معلم زبان به ارزیابی 9 درس منتخب سه کتاب بر اساس این چک لیست پرداختند. روایی محتوایی این چک‌لیست بر اساس نظر 2 متخصص آموزش زبان مورد تأیید قرار گرفت و پایایی درونی و بیرونی رتبه دهندگان برای این چک‌لیست معنادار بود. سپس میانگین های به دست آمده با استفاده از روش ارزیابی درونی (internal evaluation) مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نتایج ارزیابی درونی نشان می دهد که کتاب‌های Prospect از نظر فرایند زایشی موفق، از نظر فرایند خلق معنا متوسط و از نظر فرایندهای یادگیری و انگیزش ضعیف ارزیابی شده اند. همچنین، این کتاب‌ها از نظر توانایی تعمیم مطالب به محیط‌های غیرآموزشی که از اهداف روش تعاملی آموزش زبان بوده و از مؤلفه‌های مهم فرایند یادگیری است نیز میانگین پایینی کسب کردند. از نظر معیارهای انگیزشی، پرورش مهارت‌های تفکر، برانگیختن آگاهی و توجه نیز میانگین‌های پایینی به دست آمد. در انتها، پیشنهاد‌هایی به‌منظور بهبود کتاب ازجمله توجه به تعمیم یادگیری به محیط‌های بیرون کلاس، پرورش تفکر و انگیزش آگاهی در متن‌های انتخابی، تمرین‌ها و تکالیف ارائه شده‌اند. تفاصيل المقالة
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        3 - The Application of Ellis’s Principles for Effective Instructed Foreign Language Learning in Iranian Language Institutes and High Schools
        Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri Marzieh Mehrnoush
        This study attempts to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of the application of Ellis’s (2005) principles for successful instructed language learning in their language classes. To this end, a group of EFL teachers comprising high school and private أکثر
        This study attempts to investigate Iranian EFL teachers’ perception of the application of Ellis’s (2005) principles for successful instructed language learning in their language classes. To this end, a group of EFL teachers comprising high school and private language institute teachers took part in the study. The required data were gath- ered through a self-completion questionnaire developed by Howard and Millar (2009). Qualitative analysis of data revealed the teachers’ per- ception of the principles, as well as the principles they perceived to be most important to them, and the challenges they faced in implement- ing the principles in their language classes. These constraints included lack of time, the context of learning, the large number of students in classes, the testing system of the educational system, and the nature and structure of the language books. Results of independent samples t-test also indicated that those teachers who taught in the private lan- guage institute had a higher perception of the principles and were thus more successful than high school teachers in implementing them in their language classes. Based on the findings of the study, a number of peda- gogical implications for language teachers and syllabus and curriculum developers are stated. تفاصيل المقالة
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        4 - Does Communicative Language Teaching Really Work? A Critical Appraisal
        زهرا معصوم پناه محمد رضا طالبی نژاد
        When asked to identify the methodology they employ in their classrooms, most teachers claim to use “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT). Even with the shift of attention from insistence on methods toward post method condition, CLT has not lost its dominan أکثر
        When asked to identify the methodology they employ in their classrooms, most teachers claim to use “Communicative Language Teaching” (CLT). Even with the shift of attention from insistence on methods toward post method condition, CLT has not lost its dominance in ELT. However, most teachers neither stop such a claim nor think critically why they do so. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to go through a critical appraisal of Communicative Language Teaching. This is done first by going through a brief review on the basic claims, tenets, barriers and problems of implementing CLT especially in EFL contexts. Then, a framework is proposed touching upon the shortcomings of the available models and theories for criticizing language teaching methods. Finally, it looks at how the design is implemented in practice by focusing on CLT and examines the framework based on the claims and tenets of CLT, with particular reference to research findings and available literature. It is argued that CLT helps learners in building automaticity and self-confidence; empowering meaningful learning; developing intrinsic motivation; employing multiplicity of strategies; and fending for learners’ language ego. Culture, sociopolitical consciousness and interlanguage stages of development are important to CLT. It allows for the initiative of the learner and is most probable to be informed by a mediation rather than medium view. However, there are several problems with CLT. The most important one is in regard with the practicality, unilaterality, and non reflexivity of method. Moreover, it assumes teachers as helpless victims of ideological imposition and disregards their agency in the teaching / learning process. تفاصيل المقالة