مقدمة في المجلة
IJO follows a stringent peer review policy. Each article is first evaluated by the editor-in-chief for the originality and scientific rigor of its research. If it passes this first test, the editor-in-chief assigns at least two peer reviewers, to determine whether it meets the rigorous scientific standards, whether it requires revisions or whether it should be rejected. Only original material that meets IJO editorial standards will be published.
قابل توجه دانشجویان دکتری تخصصی کلیه واحدهای دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
به اطلاع می رساند براساس بخشنامه شماره ١٠/٧٩٥٣٤ مورخ ١٣٩٨/١٢/٠٧ به منظور انجام دفاع، مجله Iranian Journal of Optimization با رتبه A دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی دارای ٢ امتیاز می باشد.دانشجویان کلیه واحدهای دانشگاهی می توانند به منظور تکمیل امتیازات خود جهت انجام دفاع از رساله دکتری تخصصی نسبت به ارسال مقاله به مجله فوق اقدام نمایند.
حرية الوصول المقاله
1 - Flying Squirrel Optimizer (FSO): A novel SI-based optimization algorithm for engineering problems
Gholamreza Azizyan * ، Farid Miarnaeimi ، Mohsen Rashaki ، Naser Shabakhtyالعدد 2 , المجلد 11 , بهار 2019 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
2 - A new method for solving of the Graph Coloring Problem based on a fuzzy logic and whale optimization algorithm
Taha Mostafaie ، Farzin Modarres khiyabani * ، Nima Jafari Navimipour ، Behrooz Daneshianالعدد 2 , المجلد 13 , بهار 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
3 - Legendre Wavelet Method for a Class of Fourth-Order Boundary Value Problems
Sarkout Abdi ، Aram Azizi * ، Mahmoud Shafiee ، Jamshid Saeidianالعدد 2 , المجلد 12 , بهار 2020 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
4 - Presenting a Mathematical Programming Model for Routing and Scheduling of Cross-Dock and Transportation in Green Reverse Logistics Network of COVID-19 Vaccines
Pezhman Abbasi Tavallali ، Mohammadreza Feylizadeh * ، Atefeh Amindoustالعدد 2 , المجلد 13 , بهار 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
5 - Centralized resource allocation with the possibility of downsizing to evaluate two-stage production system with shared inputs
Amir Yadollahi ، Reza Kazemi Matin * ، Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfiالعدد 2 , المجلد 13 , بهار 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
6 - Efficiency Evaluation of Railway Freight Stations by Using DEA Approach
Davoud Haghighi ، Reza Babazadeh *العدد 2 , المجلد 12 , بهار 2020 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
7 - Factors affecting deviations of efficiency in distance-based Common Set of Weight -DEA models
Saeid Saeid Shahghobadi* *العدد 1 , المجلد 13 , زمستان 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
8 - Application of DEA to measure the efficiency of Open Source software projects
Ehsan Zanboori * ، Fateme Rostami ، Saeid Ghobadiالعدد 1 , المجلد 13 , زمستان 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
9 - Minimizing job execution time in Data Grid by A fuzzy dynamic replication algorithm
Mahsa Beigrezaei * ، Seyedeh Leili Mirtaheriالعدد 2 , المجلد 13 , بهار 2021 -
حرية الوصول المقاله
10 - A Review of Metaheuristic Algorithms and Data Envelopment Analysis
Mohsen Vaez-ghasemi ، Zohreh Moghaddas ، Hamid Askari ، Feloora Valizadeh *العدد 1 , المجلد 12 , زمستان 2020