آخر اخبار المجلة
    Food and Health ( بحث - علمي )
  • مقدمة في المجلة
    علمی پژوهشی

    مجله دارای رتبه علمی-پژوهشی از وزارت بهداشت، درمان و آموزش پزشکی می باشد.

    "Certification from Ministry of Health & Medical Education"

     Dear authors

    According to the article’s processing fee determined by the Ministry of Iran’s Science, Research and Technology (No. 3112, dated 1400/1/23in the solar hijri calendar), the authors have to pay 500,000 Tomans (Iran currency) for the initial review process, and additional payment as 1,000,000 Tomans. For accepted paper to publish in journal. (It should be pointed out that the initial processing fee paid by authors could not be returned to the authors for rejected papers).

    Note: Payment is made online through the activated link on the personal page of the author in charge of the article or directly with account number 0115860823008, Deposit ID 41920300000000371 Bank Saderat. Please use the Firefox browser for payment.

    No Publication Fees for International Authors (Authors who reside outside Iran are exempt from paying any charges for the review and publication processes of their manuscripts. This is a unique opportunity provided by our journal to promote diversity and inclusivity in scholarly discourse).  

    To pay the refereeing fees for your articles (500,000 tomans), please proceed to the following link https://srb.iau.ir/pazhooheshi/fa/form/864.

    Additionally, to cover the costs associated with the issuance of acceptance and the printing of articles, totaling 1,000,000 tomans, use this link https://srb.iau.ir/pazhooheshi/fa/form/866.

    After completing the payment, kindly send a snapshot of the deposit confirmation page and the tracking code, along with the article files, to the journal

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    المقالات الأكثر مشاهدة
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    مفهرسات هذه المجلة

    إحصاء المقالات

    عدد الدورات 7
    عدد الأرقام 25
    المقالات المنشورة 152
    عدد المؤلفين 493
    آراء المقالة 37132
    عدد مرات تنزيل المقالات 10888
    عدد المقالات المقدمة 234
    عدد المقالات المرفوضة 57
    عدد المقالات المقبولة 183
    درصد پذیرش 70 %
    وقت تسجيل الدخول(یوم) 125
    عدد الحکم 39
    آخرین به روزرسانی 1404/01/07