Problem-Solving as a Cognitive Skill in Foreign Language Education: An Overview
Subject Areas : Journal of Teaching English Language StudiesBahareh Razeghi 1 , Seyede Masoomeh Asaei 2 *
1 - گروه زبان انگلیسی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد تنکابن، تنکابن، ایران
2 - Department of TEFL, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran
Keywords: Problem-Solving, Cognition, Foreign Language, Education, Engagement,
Abstract :
Problem-solving has always been a very controversial topic in relation to mantal issues including learning, and specifically, language-related studies. This article is an overview of problem-solving issues discussed as a cognitive skill in the background literature regarding foreign language education. The question this overview tried to answer targeted the sorts of activities or techniques associated with problem-solving as a cognitive skill. Answering this question necessitated that the researcher had to make a qualitative survey in the literature on the issue among a variety of sources including journal articles, web pages, books and conference proceedings. The results of the overview depicted a variety of techniques and activities attributed to the concept of problem-solving as a cognitive skill. Such results can be beneficial to the learners, teachers or researchers who are engaged in employing concepts such as problem-solving or cognition in their language teaching career and pedagogy.
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