Exploring the Impact of Rubber Friction in the Localized Pipe Hollowing Process Using a Rubber Pad
Subject Areas :Ehsan Mehrabi Gohari 1 * , Iman Pishkar 2 , Meysam Darvishi 3
1 - Departement of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Skills (NUS),Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Mechanics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Specialist at Pars Oil and Gas Company
Keywords: Rubber Pad, Localized Diameter Hollowing, Finite Element Method, Friction Coefficient, Friction Force,
Abstract :
The utilization of flexible layers in the shaping of metal sheets is currently a prominently studied method. However, the efficacy of this approach depends on various parameters, including the material composition of the rubber, its thickness, frictional characteristics, and others.. This study investigated the localized diameter reduction of ST37 steel pipes using a rubber ring. We employed both experimental and numerical methods, utilizing finite element analysis (FEA) to explore the influence of friction between the rubber and the metal. Experiments were conducted to validate the FEA models. Subsequently, simulations were performed with varying friction coefficients at the rubber-metal interface. The results were analyzed graphically to understand the impact of friction on the diameter contraction process. Our findings provided insights into the critical role of friction in this shaping technique and offered recommendations for optimizing the process.
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