A Review of Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithms with a Load Balancing Approach in Cloud Computing
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch,Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
Keywords: Resource allocation, Load balancing, Scheduling, cloud computing,
Abstract :
Cloud computing is a distributed environment for providing services over the Internet. Load balancing of computing resources has emerged as a crucial element in this industry as a result of the expanding use of cloud computing and the expectations of customers to receive more services and better outcomes. The workload and system behavior of cloud computing are quite dynamic. And this can cause the resources in the data center to be overloaded. Ultimately, a load imbalance in some data center resources could result in increased energy use, decreased performance, and resource waste. Response time, expense, throughput, performance, and resource usage are among the quality of service indicators that load balancing can enhance. In this article, we analyze and evaluate scheduling and resource allocation methods with a view to load balancing, review the most recent approaches, and give a classification of these algorithms. Also, several significant problems and difficulties with cloud load balancing will be discussed in an upcoming study to create new algorithms.
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